
Don’s seat and the hordes

Sarah Palin is like an ocean wave. She rises and falls as waves will do. Sometimes, if it’s a storm wave, it will seem mightier than it is in reality. If it’s just the regular wave, eventually it reaches solid ground and dissipates. That’s our Sarah. Sometimes she hits shore and causes damage. Sometimes she hits shore and disappears into the sand.

She seemingly arises out of nowhere periodically to make statements that scare us all and then she hits the beach and simply disappears into the sand. But along the way, she certainly makes us all sit up, take Continue reading →


Where are the men?

We have been here so many times before. Violence against women is rampant in our state. Violence against women has been rampant in our state forever. Violence against women is an epidemic not unlike Covid, only putting on a mask doesn’t do anything for it except to hide some of the bruises.

It seems as though we go through cycles where we talk about this problem, bemoan its ubiquity in our state and then move on without ever actually seeing any resolution. What seems even more amazing than the dull roar of this repeated lament is the fact that money Continue reading →


Respecting Don Young

I expect it from Lisa Murkowski. But Don Young? C’mon, Don. How am I supposed to react to you finally doing something I admire and respect? It just seems wrong, so very, very wrong, for me to think of you with any degree of admiration. Yet that’s exactly what I find myself doing.

Here we are, watching the Republican National Party calling the January 6, 2021 uprising legitimate political discourse and it’s our very own Don Young who, along with Lisa, is calling that idea dog do-do. Given that legitimate political discourse rarely involves police deaths and pooping in the

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We are the elderly

Just as I thought to myself how well I was doing old age, old age reached out and slapped me in my face for my hubris. Within the past six months, it has slammed me with a heart attack, multiple fainting episodes, open heart surgery and vision diminished so badly I can no long drive.

Yep, welcome to the golden years.

All thoughts of independence have gone down the tubes. All thoughts of how amazing an old lady I am have been permanently squashed. And after two years of this blankety-blank pandemic, even a crusty old loner like my reputation Continue reading →


All the old men

So I’m guessing that we can all agree that 2021 was no better than 2020 in most regards. We started off with an assault on our democracy and ended with a whole new covid variant. What could possibly be worse than that? Well, hold on to your hats, folks, because Biden announced he will run for president in 2024 in a breathless rematch between him and he whose name I shudder to mention. Yep, that’s right. For America’s next presidential election, we will be seeing a rematch of the two oldest, whitest men in America. What could be more frightening? Continue reading →


Holidays, family, friends

There is a line in the old TV show, Will and Grace, that I’ve always loved and thought should be heard by every Alaskan who has left their familiar world to search for their own truth here.

“There’s the family you are born into and the family you choose.”

A lot of us here in Alaska come from elsewhere. And if you live in Alaska, elsewhere is always far away. So we gather around us people who become our chosen family to fill in the gaps caused by the absence of our birth family. Sometimes we find out that our Continue reading →


Let them die

Reading about what mostly unvaccinated people are doing to our health care system is one thing. Needing that system and being frightened to use it is another. This is America. We shouldn’t be afraid to go to the hospital.

I recently had an incident where, under normal circumstances, I would have called 911. I didn’t for fear they would want to transport me to the hospital and that scared me more than the incident itself. I may have heart problems, but hospitals in Alaska right now are filled with Covid and I don’t want to be anywhere near that.

So Continue reading →


Getting better

Healthy people who exercise and watch their diet religiously still die from a heart attack. Someone with my exercise and diet program should have kicked off when I was about 30. But here I am and there is no logical explanation except perhaps that I’ve never taken horse deworming medicine for any health problem.

Having survived both a heart attack and the subsequent surgery, my greatest desire was to get back to my regular life as soon as possible – with the probable addition of some actual exercise and diet restrictions. But it turns out that getting back to the Continue reading →


To live and to die

I came to on my bedroom floor, scratching at it and wondering why it wasn’t my bed. I tried to move and was hit with an intense pain I’d never felt before. I apparently had a heart attack and broken four ribs in the fall. I then did what any sane person would do. I dragged myself to my phone and called Bird TLC to tell them I wouldn’t be in for my volunteer shift. Thankfully, they called 911.

I am now post heart attack, post four broken ribs, post open-heart surgery and wondering when the heck I got so Continue reading →