Scribblings, Uncategorized

I saw D.C. I cried

I have tried to give myself some distance from what happened in our nation’s capital. But I can’t. I long for some way to view it dispassionately, to calmly pull apart the various pieces and examine how we got to the point where armed insurrectionists invaded Washington, DC. But I can’t get past that moment when I first saw the invasion of our capital. All I could do was cry.

I am by all accounts an old lady. My generation was raised by the generation that survived the Great Depression and won the Second World War. They viewed America as Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Are you happy now?

All you Trumpers, out there. All you people who followed him into this horror because he made your stocks and money soar. Are you happy? Today, in Washington DC, you saw the results of your belief in the Trump cult.

You should all be so ashamed of yourselves that words can’t even express how ashamed. I know that there is no site on this web that will allow me to call you the range of names I want to because they are too vile. But not for describing you. And not for this day.

Here’s how the future goes for Continue reading →


Republicans are truly assholes

Or is it just Ted Cruz and his ilk? Nope, I checked. It’s Republicans. They are tearing down our democracy without a care in the world because they know that under dictator Trump they will rule without limits.

Is there some way to bring out own court case against the Republican Party for being treasonous? Is it wrong that I want to send all Trump supporters to Florida and then build the wall there?

And for all you Republicans out there who happily support Trump because your portfolios are bursting at the seams, you are scum willing to destroy everyone Continue reading →


Grateful things

Here are the things I think we should be thankful for this holiday season. First and foremost, thank you Covid 19. Because of you I do not have to stress over holiday meals with family and/or friends I may or may not like. Seriously, if I don’t want to see them in June, why would I suddenly want to see them in November or December?

I think we also need to send thanks to – yes, this is not a misprint – Donald Trump. While some think he may have been responsible for over 300,000 deaths in America from Covid Continue reading →


Dr. Fauci should save his breath

Everyone I have spoken to this holiday season – friends, family, acquaintances – all are continuing on with their holiday travel plans as usual because – as they assure me – they know how to travel safely.

So I guess the lesson we learn from this is that everyone I know is smarter than the average American Fauci was addressing when he cautioned against holiday travel. Because they have all assured me that they know how to travel safely. Wow. If only the rest of America had asked for their advice on this, everyone could be traveling.

Americans – we Continue reading →


Dr. Fauci means you

I have searched my brain for a long time – and yes, there is enough left there for the search to be long – looking for a way to get over my frustration now turning to anger over holiday travel. I have relatives and friends who are traveling and all have the same argument. They know how to travel safely while the rest of the country is apparently filled with the idiots Dr. Fauci was actually addressing who don’t. In other words, the travel advisory, like so much else in this pandemic, is meant for everyone else but me.

This Continue reading →


A sweaty elder spewing spittle

The scene playing out on our national stage is, to put it mildly, embarrassing. Having our current president act like a spoiled child who has been told no more treats is certainly not anything we ever wanted to see. I think we all had hoped America was a bit above that. Certainly we hoped America was not at a point where we’d see press conferences with a sweaty elder who had black ink running down the side of his face spewing falsehoods like spittle.

But here we are. And what, you ask, should we do about it. Well, I may Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

I simply have

I simply have some of the best friends in the world. I know. I know. This is something I should have realized a long time ago when I figured out that friends here were as reliable as the family you left behind when you moved to Alaska.

Today a wheel fell off my bird cage. Given how incapacitated my right arm is, I was unable to fix it. I called The Sisters. (Don’t worry, Noe and Malia, I won’t use your names.) In twenty minutes or so they were at the house. The birdcage was fixed ten minutes later, the Continue reading →


Am I the only one who has noticed?

I rarely watch TV that hasn’t been dvr’d because, quite frankly, most advertisements make me want to run screaming from the room while pulling my hair out to lessen the pain in my head from the noise.

But thanks to covid and politics, I have been in the position of watching live tv on occasion. And I have just one question.

Am I the only one who has noticed the dichotomy between what is being said and what is being shown on most medical commercials? A pill will be advertised to cure some disease most of us have never heard Continue reading →