
So simple even a politician should be able to figure it out

In case you haven’t seen it yet, there was an article in the ADN yesterday about Alaska Senate President Kevin Meyer having a $100 meal with lobbyists a week before voting to buy the LIO building in Anchorage. Oh, did I mention the lobbyists worked for the owner of the building. Anyhow, here’s what Meyer’s had to say about the issue:

“Meyer said that the idea that lawmakers should pay for their own meals when they dine with lobbyists is a “topic worth discussion.” But the very idea seemed to perplex him.

“We could pay for our own way,” he

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Columns 2016

How Alaska’s Fiscal Conservatives in Juneau define themselves

It would be the ultimate irony if the Legislature ended up in Anchorage at the Taj Mahawker. In a time of fiscal crisis, they will be drawing down money we can’t afford to continue their goal of figuring out what other group of Alaskans they can put the screws to. They’ll do this while sitting in a building that they neither need nor deserve. These legislators claim to be fiscal conservatives while spending money the state doesn’t have because they can’t do their work on time. Yet they propose to penalize state workers who actually have to be punctual, work

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Writer’s block

I was totally blocked on this week’s column. Thought I couldn’t do one more piece about the incompetence coming out of Juneau. But then I thought of how they call themselves fiscal conservatives and it was like a steam engine blowing. It took less than an hour to draft out the column. I guess I still have things I want to say to that clown car we call a legislature. It will appear here on Thursday or read it Wednesday in the Anchorage Dispatch News.

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pictures, Scribblings

My Captain


Here’s my Captain doing what he loved to do best… eat. Is it any wonder that we spent 38 wonderful years together. He may have been hell on wheels, but he was my hell on wheels and I still feel as though my heart is broken and will never be whole again.

Fly free over that Rainbow Bridge. And may you have all the walnuts you ever wanted for as long as you want them. No one left to say you’re getting overweight. It’s a dream we both shared.

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Columns 2016

Alaska Legislature not the real world

Help me out with this. If I work in the real world and have a boss who hands me a priority assignment and a deadline, doesn’t my future in that job pretty much depend on getting it done in a timely fashion? Seriously, how many of us have bosses who would allow us to routinely ignore their priorities? How many would just keep giving us extensions because we decided we had our own priorities, priorities that weren’t necessarily what our boss had in mind. I’m guessing that out there in the real world, your boss would start questioning your importance

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I lost my little buddy

My Amazon parrot Captain and I have been together for 38 years. I found him dead in his cage yesterday. He waited for me to come home from my trip and died the next day. As soon as the Geek Squad gets here and figures out why my scanner and computer stopped speaking to each other, I’ll scan in the best picture I have of him. He was not the friendliest of birds. He had a very definite personality that mostly said he would accept you only on his terms. But I loved how feisty he was. I loved how

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I got in at 1 Am last night. I’m not sure of how many hours of time change at this point. But I think I just wrote my column with my nose while snoring on the keyboard. I’m going to bed now.

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Columns 2016

The Hardboiled Egg Lasagna War

Not since the Eggplant Lasagna War of 2012 has my family been so divided. But that has now faded into the distant past as the Great Hardboiled Egg Lasagna Debacle of 2016 has overtaken it both in terms of vehemence and hysteria.

It all started with my sister’s request that I make lasagna for Sunday dinner at Cousin Joe’s house. That would be cousin Joe Jr. as opposed to Joe 3, or Joseph the progenitor of all that followed, or cousin Joe from New York, or any other of the multitudinous Joe’s in our family. You see, we are a

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