
New Year’s Eve

When I was young, I spent an inordinate amount of time begging my parents to let me stay up till midnight. Eventually they did. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it didn’t happen. Midnight came and went, indistinguishable from 11:59 PM or 12:01 AM except for the fact that my parents woke up long enough to say Happy New Year and go to bed.  So my New Year’s Eve expectations are limited.  When I hosted the KBRW Barrow radio show on New Year’s Eve, I actually stayed up till midnight because I had to. Then Mr. T exhibited hysteria when the fireworks went off and that kept me up even later. Then, as he aged, Mr. T went deaf and the loud bangs no longer bothered him. So I no longer stayed up till midnight.  Now, I have two new dogs and tonight will get to see their reaction to loud bangs and booms.  Will they panic like Mr. T did and keep me up half the night holding them and telling them everything will be ok? Or will they, and I, sleep through the whole thing? Stay tuned.