
Once again, why I love Alaska

Every Saturday at noon, I get in my car and tune in to public radio’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me”. If you’ve never heard this show, treat yourself. It’s hysterical. Anyhow, my routine is to drive to my latte stand, get my daily caffeine allowance and then drive around and explore different parts of Anchorage for the hour the show is on. It’s the only way I can guarantee uninterrupted listening. Since fall is in its last throes up here and snow is rapidly moving down the mountains, I took a route that brought me up through the foothills on the east side of town. I wanted a final glimpse of the colors on the trees before the last leaf fell. As I passed the entrance to Ruth Arcaid Park, a black bear came bounding out, ran to the edge of the road and skidded to a halt. He/she took one look at the traffic, turned on his/her heel and headed right back into the park. And I had a front row seat for the whole episode since (s)he was about to run in front of my car when he emerged from the woods so he was literally standing on the side of the road next to my car when he stopped.

Yep. You’re going to have to drag me feet first out of this state. Alaska gives whole new meaning to taking a leisurely drive.