As you start emptying your freezers in anticipation of the coming fishing and hunting season, please keep Bird TLC in mind for any old salmon or meat you have. We accept almost all donations. Only no-nos are processed fish or meat and halibut. There’s a box in front of the door where you can drop the stuff off if it’s after hours. It’s only March 8 and we’ve already had 22 eagles admitted for care. So we need all the donations we can get. Those eagles sure get hungry when they’re healing!
Thanks to Bird TLC, there’s no need to waste your old stuff. We’ll take it! The eagles are not very discriminating when it comes to what year the salmon was caught.
The address is 6132 Nielson Way. It’s off of C and 64th. As always in Anchorage, streets change names mysteriously and 64th is suddenly Nielson Way at some point going down the block.
You can also go to http://www.birdtlc.net and get lots more info about our program.
BTW – I know a lot of people have seen the online video about an eagle named Beauty who had her beak shot off and is in a program in the lower 48. What they consistently forget to say is that Beauty came from Bird TLC where we cared for her for a year after her injury and before she was sent out. So yea us!