pictures, Scribblings

Slowly but surely


Slowly but surely we are coming together as a family that has stretched to admit one more. Now that Snowy has had his vet visit, had all his licenses bought and confirmed and… perhaps most importantly… had a visit with Jordan to get a proper haircut, we are ready to start integrating as a family. A big moment arrived when BuddhaBubba and Carm let him share their couch pillow, if not exactly their space, for the first time. Here we see Carm manfully protecting his woman from the intruding male. Given that the intruding male is a neutered two year old who barely has any concept of why Carm is so growly when he gets near BuddhaBubba, this is perhaps overkill on Carm’s part. But being two, Snowy also doesn’t give it too much thought so long as dinner arrives on time and he has four million squeaky toys with which to play.




















