
Anchorage Earthquake update

OK, for starts, my blood pressure is back below 200 and my pulse is now under 300. So I’m recuperating from the quake. Was sleeping when it hit. Thought I was having a dream. Wish now that it was. But it wasn’t.

Nayla will still not move an inch from my side. I may have survived the earthquake but I’ll die tripping over her.

Everything in every drawer and cabinet and on every wall was on the floor after the quake – some of it broken, some of it floating in the toilet, and a huge wad of bird poop dripping down a wall when the bird got scared by the shaking and shit it out sideways.

I want to get stoned so I can just relax but I’m afraid to in case there is another shake and I have to be on my toes to save birds and dogs. Or, I’ll just sit under a doorway and suck my thumb while the dogs try to crawl under my skin.

No structural damage so far in the house. Electric and Internet working. TV not working. That’s the biggest problem I have right now and I can’t tell you how grateful I am that the tv is my biggest problem.