
Even I stay up later

I thought I was a real slug for going to bed by 10 most nights and then staying up until 2 AM with my iPad and books and magazines. But Trump goes to bed at 6:30 with a cheeseburger. Wow. Even I know how unhealthy that is.

Now excuse me while I go to my bedroom and empty out all the dishes and glasses that seem to accumulate there with absolutely no help from me. Honestly, I have no idea where that ice cream dish came from… or that bowl of leftover popcorn kernels… honestly! Continue reading →

Columns 2018

And so 2018 begins

And so 2018 begins. As Alaskans, we are forced to attempt optimism at the fact that our legislators will soon be heading back to Juneau to celebrate that with the opening of ANWR all our hopes and dreams are coming true. Another boom!

Well, not quite. Given that at a minimum we are looking at ten years, if not more, of permits, litigation, shifting political winds and wills, ANWR really isn’t the answer to our current pressing budget crisis. Call me pessimistic, but given that the Legislature did nothing to put Alaska on firm financial footing last year when ANWR Continue reading →


Why air travel is so much safer now

Because the POS currently sullying the White House is president. At least, that’s what he claims in his tweet.

He also claims his nuclear button is bigger than Kim Jong-un’s. Yep, nothing gives you a better night’s sleep than knowing two insane males are comparing the size of their nuclear buttons.

So at what point do the gutless members of Congress grab their balls and admit the obvious… POS is deep into dementia and for the safety of the world needs to be shut down.

And yes, I said “balls” despite the presence of women in Congress because, quite honestly, Continue reading →


It’s the first day of the new year

It’s the first day of the new year and I feel no more optimistic about the future today than I did yesterday. It’s a toss up between knowing the POS currently sullying the White House is still in office or my inability to erase the sight of Melania in that New Year’s Eve creation horror for which she paid thousands of dollars.

Seriously, when I dressed anywhere near that badly, my mother would ask me if I didn’t have mirrors in my house and, if I did, she suggested I check them before going out. Melania should take that advice. Continue reading →


The queen had her horrible year a while ago

America, on the other hand, has just experienced its worse year ever. The scary news is that we have three more horrible years ahead. Even if Trump gets impeached as he deserves to, we then have Pence. And if Pence falls, we get Ryan.

How the hell are we supposed to celebrate a new year when our country is in the hands of a pussy grabbing racist who is only out to make money for his family and rich friends while metaphorically raising his middle finger – small though it might be – to all the silly people who believed Continue reading →


Newt Gingrich

This man is living proof that no matter how big your head is, it doesn’t necessarily correlate to a larger brain and greater intelligence. He’s a shyster snake oil salesman who, if we are lucky, will make the kind of remarks throughout this coming year that will put the final nail in the coffin of whatever it is that is currently pretending to be the Republican Party. Continue reading →


Scandal at the Miss America Pageant

Why is everyone shocked that executives of the Miss America Pageant have been accused of misogynistic behavior, with demands from former winners and contestants that they resign? This is a contest based on a woman’s looks and bra size and ass jiggle. This is a contest that parades women around in tiny bikinis and high heels and calls it the fitness portion of the competition. What kind of men do people think this would attract? Well, the answer to that is it attracts men like the current POS sullying the White House who admits to pussy grabbing and walking into Continue reading →



The deficit doesn’t matter when it comes to giving the rich a huge tax break that will increase our debt by trillions of dollars. But we don’t have enough money to adequately fund children’s health care because of that deficit.

Somewhere out there, the Baby Jesus is weeping over how Republican Christians have bastardized the message he came to earth to deliver.

Yeah, merry Christmas… unless you’re a poor kid. Then Bah! Humbug! Continue reading →

Columns 2017

We are failing the mentally ill

An article appeared in the ADN a few weeks ago reporting on the findings of a jury that Alaska’s Department of Corrections was at fault for the suicide of a mentally ill inmate. In and of itself, that’s a tragedy. But a simple sentence found in the middle of the article may actually be describing an equally appalling tragedy. That sentence reads, “The Department of Corrections is the largest mental health provider in the state.”

I know how we got here. Way back when the mentally ill were warehoused in huge facilities, the powers that be decided to close those Continue reading →