
Ah, earthquakes

You know you’ve lived in earthquake territory for too long when you can’t find the enthusiasm or energy to wake up during a 7.9 earthquake. I woke up, tried to figure out if the house was really shaking that badly or was I just still dreaming, saw the dogs still sleeping around me (they hadn’t even skipped a snore), figured all was ok and went back to sleep.

Now I’m thinking my dogs may not be the early warning signal I thought they were. Continue reading →



News that the POS currently sullying the White House had an affair with a sex worker is a surprise to no one except, apparently, his wife who has suddenly changed her plans to travel with him to Davos. One must ask what she expected when she married him? Is she the only one who actually didn’t realize the deal she’d made with the devil? If she played loyal, supportive wife then he would see that she lived in a house of gold with never a financial worry again in her life. She just had to shut up, swallow whatever horror Continue reading →


Here’s why

Here’s why Republicans are so against immigration… they know that most of those immigrants are way smarter than they are and they fear that they will be shown up as the idiotic dolts that they are. Also, they fear that their children will inherit their stupidity and end up being ruled by a Congress and president with an immigrant background… oh wait – if they aren’t Native Americans then the current congress IS made up of the children of immigrants. Maybe they figure they got theirs and they will now do everything possible to make sure no one else shares Continue reading →

Columns 2018

The Little Elf is spitting into the wind

Let’s talk pot. And by pot I mean marijuana. I prefer to call it pot because then there is a good chance I won’t spell marijuana wrong every other time I use the word.

I am an openly confessed old hippie. Back in the day when I first used pot, my idea of the munchies involved lots of salt, sugar and fat – fried chicken, French fries and cake, candy or ice cream. There was a time I could eat that at 11 PM and still sleep through the night. Now, I am more apt to munch out on a Continue reading →



Take their recent accidental bomb drill as an example of what will be happening to all of us in the very near future when that Tub of Lard in the White House decides to drop a bomb on North Korea to prove his (very, very tiny) manhood. Helluva way for the world to end – done in by a blithering idiot with a well deserved inferiority complex. Continue reading →


Get used to it

Hawaii’s bomb alarm might have been inadvertent but the truth is that, given the insanity in the White House, we should all probably figure out where the nearest fall out shelter is because we will be needing it for real in the not too distant future. Continue reading →


What has happened to us?

How can we have fallen so low in such a short time? That POS currently sullying the White House called some countries “shit holes” while lamenting that we aren’t getting more immigrants from Norway. Well, guess what, shithead – no one from Norway wants to come to such a horrible country as you are making us seem in the eyes of the world. You want to point out a shit hole country, how about a country with the largest prison population of any other country in the world on a per capita basis? America. How about a country where students Continue reading →



Oprah? Oprah for president? I never watched her show but she seems intelligent, decent, literate… yep, all the things Trumpsters despise. On that basis alone, she’d have my vote.

My real problem is absorbing the fact that we might have two tv personalities running against each other for the presidency… a seat once held by such luminaries as Lincoln and Washington… hell, even Rutherford B. Hayes beats out reality tv stars. How has my country reached so low a level of candidates? Where are the statesmen and women who received our respect because they earned it?

Sad. So, so sad. Continue reading →


Even I stay up later

I thought I was a real slug for going to bed by 10 most nights and then staying up until 2 AM with my iPad and books and magazines. But Trump goes to bed at 6:30 with a cheeseburger. Wow. Even I know how unhealthy that is.

Now excuse me while I go to my bedroom and empty out all the dishes and glasses that seem to accumulate there with absolutely no help from me. Honestly, I have no idea where that ice cream dish came from… or that bowl of leftover popcorn kernels… honestly! Continue reading →