Columns 2017

Republicans are two faced liars when it comes to being fiscal conservatives

You’d think funding a program providing medical care to low-income children would be a no-brainer. Apparently not true in today’s poisonous political climate. In today’s political climate, even immunizations for poor children become a football to be booted and kicked around until it’s flatter than the balls used in Deflategate. Not to worry though. The rich and their riches are safe.

Our government is supposed to be by the people, of the people and for the people. Yet it seems as if more and more we are defining “people” as corporations and individuals with millions of dollars in their checking Continue reading →


It just keeps getting sadder

Who would have ever thought that America’s standing in the world as a leader in all areas could be destroyed in less than 12 months by the incompetence and insanity that is currently occupying the White House. And now, the RNC and the man currently sullying the White House are supporting a known pedophile rather than vote for a Democrat who has not been accused of any crimes of morality. Party over country. What a sad, sad place we are at in our history. And I am beyond patience with anyone still supporting this whole disaster that’s been unfolding since Continue reading →


Help me understand

The man currently sullying the White House is someone you wouldn’t trust your daughters or granddaughters alone with. How is that someone who should be representing America to the world? He is a serial sex offender. If you still support him, then you must support men using sex as power over women. You might as well send your daughters and granddaughters into his presence sooner rather than later so that they will early on begin to understand that their position is below any and all men and they need to just accept their bodies being groped and used by powerful Continue reading →


Are you happy yet?

I want one of those people who still think the man currently sullying the White House is a good president to tell me one thing he has done to make their lives better. Tried to eliminate health care? Leading us into nuclear war? Supports a tax reform that mostly favors him and his family and those of similar wealth?

I want to ask these people if their schools are better or the economy improved or whether they have some secret hideaway so that nuclear war doesn’t scare them.

We are surely screwed. Continue reading →


We’ve hit rock bottom

Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor – both gone because they couldn’t keep their hands or god knows what else to themselves. I don’t really give a crap about Matt but Garrison is a true heartbreak given his claim to represent the “moral” values of the great American middle. I guess those morals only held so long as he had a mic on or a camera rolling.

Here’s my idea. Every time a man loses his job over being a pig, that job then has to be filled with a woman. That ought to help balance out the power in this Continue reading →

Scribblings, Uncategorized

Just disgusting

Heard Nancy Pelosi on a news shows trying to pretend that Conyer’s sexual harassment should be viewed through the prism of his being an American icon. Barf! I don’t have icons who settle sexual assault and harassment claims with money. And I don’t care a crap what their political preference is. Republican, Democrat, Communist, Vegan… I don’t give a crap. Nancy Pelosi should be ashamed of herself for defending this man. But apparently we hold movie and TV stars to a higher standard than our elected officials. That says more than we probably want to know about Americans. Continue reading →



Don Jr. seems to have inherited his dad’s ability to pretend that there is nothing to see here… move along. I hope he and his dad get to be cellmates someday. They can then have long discussions over the fact that if you are an American, you don’t collude with Russia to influence our elections without paying a penalty. Continue reading →

Columns 2017

That for which I am grateful

My tires were at Johnson’s Tires when they unexpectedly closed down. Despite extensive searching, they were never found. So I guess that old saying of mine still is true – if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. But rather than letting this get me down, I’ve decided to look for that proverbial pony in the pile of manure. And I’ve found many.

I have to start off with Northrim Bank and their staff who probably never took Tires 101 when they were in Bank College. They tried so hard to help and were always so Continue reading →


Why is anyone surprised?

Gee, Democrats as well as Republican men both abuse, assault and sexually harass women. Who would have guessed?

Well, anyone who has lived in the real world would have guessed. In case you haven’t noticed, harassment comes from all sides if you are a woman. Men have felt protected from any blow back because of that secret old boys’ network where you are never called into account for your personal actions.

If these revelations continue, we may end up with no men left in power. Wait a minute. Let me revel in that thought for just a moment…  ok, I’m Continue reading →