

Why does my dog suddenly awaken in the middle of the night, run down the ramp on the side of the bed in order to run to the other side and jump up on the bed again… almost always landing on my face? Why? Continue reading →


Why you should only use one pharmacy for all your prescriptions

Here’s why having all your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy is such a good idea. I had a drug prescribed for me today at a clinic I went to for a minor infection. Brought the prescription to the Carr’s Huffman pharmacy where I get all my meds. The pharmacist noted that the drug could have negative consequences when combined with a blood pressure pill I take. She called the doc and they worked out a plan for a similar drug with no adverse interactions. And that’s why you use one pharmacy if you take medications routinely… and which of Continue reading →

Columns 2017

Why do script writers hate women?

I spent Mother’s Day thinking about mothers and women in general as portrayed in the media. I was struck by how many mothers/wives/girlfriends, etc., die in media productions. For instance, in NCIS, the main star, Gibbs, loses his first wife to a drug dealer and an ex-wife to a revenge bullet through her head. We find out in flashbacks that his mother died when he was a young teenager.

A bullet to the head also killed the first female agent on the show. The wife of the purported head of NCIS is killed in a drive by shooting while having Continue reading →


If… when… Trump goes

Let’s not forget we are merely going from the frying pan to the fire because we get Mike (I can’t keep it in my pants if I have a meal with a lady unless my wife is there) Pence. Not exactly an improvement. And if he goes we get Paul “if they can’t afford health care it must be because they are bad people living unhealthy lives” Ryan.

There is no relief in sight. Continue reading →


Why oh why

Why, or why, when my dogs want to spit up or… throw up… do they feel the need to come and do it in front of me – even when I’m in bed and they are trying to barf on the bed? I love when they share but do they really have to share this? Continue reading →


What do the NCIS producers have against women?

Is it just me or do the producers of the NCIS franchise have a thing against women? By my count, Gibbs on NCIS lost his first wife to a drug dealer and his second or third (ex) wife to a bullet to the head while he walked with her. DiNozzo lost the mother of his child to a bomb. Director Vance lost his wife to an attack on his house. Kate, the original woman on the team, also died by a gunshot to the head. The female NCIS director, Jenny Shepard, died in a hail of bullets. And now, over
Continue reading →
Columns 2017

Adapting to changing circumstances

Some weeks seem worse than others. This past week was particularly troublesome. We saw a local politician claiming women in Alaska got pregnant to get free trips to Anchorage for abortions. We saw our national representative vote for a healthcare bill that would make rape a pre-existing condition but still mandate insurance coverage of Viagra. And we watched our state senate continue to hide out in Juneau in an attempt to never return to their constituents to face their wrath.

What I do when I find the world crashing in on my head in a really bad way is to Continue reading →