Today I got to watch two pigeons woo and then copulate on my back deck while I drank my morning coffee. They seemed happy. Continue reading →
Is Elizabeth Warren the only Democrat with balls?
While most Democrats remain curled up in quivering balls, afraid to look up for fear they will be slapped down again, Elizabeth Warren emerges as the only Democrat with balls enough to take them on.
I’m still stuck in imagining what the Republicans would be saying and doing if the president were a Democrat doing all these lovely things Orangeman is doing like promoting his daughter’s business using the power of the presidency or if his wife’s only role as First Lady is to sell her jewelry. Unethical and immoral is ok if you are a Republican. Or maybe the Continue reading →
Alaska’s silent legislature
Be quiet. Quieter. No, I mean really, really quiet. Because I’m sure if you get quiet enough you’ll be able to hear the healthy and vigorous debates going on in our state legislature over our fiscal crisis and how to handle it so that we can still pay the light bill.
Hmmm… seems no matter how quiet we get, we hear nothing. But just wait a few months and then hear the sounds of our legislators explaining their need to go into overtime because this is a problem that simply can’t be solved in a week. Listen to them explain Continue reading →
When will he be impeached?
Surely even members of Congress who are in his party know the Orangeman is mentally unstable and definitely unfit to hold office. If this was how Obama conducted himself in his first two weeks in office, they would have had his head on a plate already. But because it’s their boy, they don’t seem to care what he destroys as long as he signs their bills.
How unAmerican will this have to get before they do something about it? They seem so very ready to wrap themselves up in an American flag, wear flag lapel pins, scream American’s number one Continue reading →
So proud of Nayla
When Carm got home from his dental work that included an extraction, he was pretty wiped out. Nayla stayed right next to him, sniffing, sitting protectively next to him, acting like a momma (which she’s clearly been in the past) and seeming to not want to move until she was sure he was ok. She didn’t even try to steal his toy when he fell asleep. Now that’s mother love.
Snowy, on the other hand, figured with Carm out of commission, he’d just go ahead and eat Carm’s dinner too.
The difference between male and female!
This is Nayla. Continue reading →
Why isn’t he being impeached?
Yesterday, Donald Trump defended Putin’s ordered hits to kill people who opposed him to “mistakes” America has made. Oh sweet Jesus! If Obama had said that, the Republicans would have already had him impeached. But what are the Dems doing? I don’t know. It’s hard to say because you can’t understand their statements so long as they remain curled up in a fetal position whimpering. Continue reading →
Are we really that old
A friend just called to ask if I wanted to go to an early dinner… and by early, he meant 3:30 or 4.
Are we really that old that we want to go to dinner so early that even the early bird specials aren’t yet on the menu? Continue reading →
Taking off my bathrobe
So it’s about 1 AM and I’ve let the dogs out for the last time. I go upstairs and unzip my bathrobe preparatory to getting into bed. Only the zipper does that stupid thing where it starts coming apart at the bottom and you can’t pull the zipper all the way down. And the harder I tried, the more the bottom part came apart. I was now stuck in a bathrobe with a zipper stuck right around chest high. I couldn’t get my arms out to either pull it over my head or pull it down to get out of Continue reading →
And so I limp, crawl and whine my way into another decade
I thought sixty was bad. But turning seventy really, really sucks. I don’t know why. But somehow seventy just seems old while in the sixties I could still pretend to some level of youth. And honestly, how the hell did I survive this long given the lack of respect I’ve shown my body over the years. I guess I’m not done rescuing animals yet so it’s just not my time. Besides, I still have one more tattoo to get. Continue reading →
Dr. James Scott – Flying to heaven on eagles’ wings
It’s a sad day for our community when it loses a good man. This seems especially true at this dark moment of the American soul. As hate, racism and kitty snatching become the touchstones of our country today, losing a man who lived with dignity, compassion and love for all his fellow creatures is even more distressing. It sometimes seems as though good men are in very short supply right now.
So the news that last week we lost Dr. James Scott, founder and heart and soul of Bird TLC, is sad on many, many levels.
For those of you Continue reading →