pictures, Scribblings

Rummage Sale and New Book – a bonanza


Don’t forget the Bird TLC rummage sale on our property off Old Seward above Potter’s Marsh. It runs from 9 to 3. Lots of birds to amuse you and lots of goodies to buy.

And as if that’s not enough, my newest book Coming Into the City is officially out for sale. You can order it online at

Note to family… yes, you have to pay for it. My birds need me to pay for their kibble so you have to pay for the book.















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pictures, Scribblings

Anatomy of a rejection


Photo One – the male attempts to catch the female’s interest by showing her how well he can roll over and scratch his back on the ground

Photo Two – the female looks at the male and wonders how they can to be the dominant sex in the world

Photo Three – the female heads out to find something more interesting to do than watch a male posture













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pictures, Scribblings

Slowly but surely


Slowly but surely we are coming together as a family that has stretched to admit one more. Now that Snowy has had his vet visit, had all his licenses bought and confirmed and… perhaps most importantly… had a visit with Jordan to get a proper haircut, we are ready to start integrating as a family. A big moment arrived when BuddhaBubba and Carm let him share their couch pillow, if not exactly their space, for the first time. Here we see Carm manfully protecting his woman from the intruding male. Given that the intruding male is a neutered two year

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Columns 2012, pictures

Rummage Sale and New Book – a bonanza


Don’t forget the Bird TLC rummage sale on our property off Old Seward above Potter’s Marsh. It runs from 9 to 3. Lots of birds to amuse you and lots of goodies to buy.

And as if that’s not enough, my newest book Coming Into the City is officially out for sale. You can order it online at

Note to family… yes, you have to pay for it. My birds need me to pay for their kibble so you have to pay for the book.

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pictures, Scribblings

Meet our new family member – Snowy


With a name like that, he was meant to be part of our family. He’s a part Peke and a part god knows what. And he’s a bundle of joyful enthusiasm despite a difficult early life. You can see from the way Carm is lying by my side that he’s thrilled. Actually, BuddhaBubba should be the one complaining. Carm and Snowy quickly did some male pair bonding. BB spent the afternoon asleep on the couch trying to ignore their boyish antics. The birds… well, they are calling their lawyers to see just how many dogs I’m allowed to bring into

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