Maybe if you didn’t all call me between Thanksgiving and Christmas I wouldn’t be so snarly on the phone. Oh yeah, and if you’re calling from an East Coast call center, check the time difference. I’m highly unlikely to give to a cause that calls me at 6 AM.
The next generation

Our next generation gets to know each other over Thanksgiving dinner at grandpop and grandmom’s house. It’s the way Thanksgiving should be.
Low T drugs – oh sweet lord!
First of all, I never watch sports at all because ALL the ads are either for low T drugs or penile erection drugs. We can’t find the money to cover birth control for women but we insist insurance pay for men to get it up until they’re ninety. What is wrong with that picture?
As for the low T crap, it’s just another drug looking to solve a problem no one knew we even had three years ago. Too bad they haven’t come up with a drug to make old men with three hour hard-ons attractive to older women who
Maybe that’s what’s wrong with them
Given the happily comatose state induced by the tryptophan in turkey, maybe that’s the problem Congress is having. They serve too much turkey in the congressional dining room. That would sure in hell explain the zombie like ambience of our current congress.
Friday night excitement
Here’s what passes for excitement on a Friday night in my house. I sit on the couch eating popcorn. Snowy sits as close to me as possible without actually crawling into my skin. He watches anxiously as each piece of popcorn goes into my mouth waiting for that one stray broken off piece to fall onto my bathrobe. When it finally falls, he eyes it intently, his eyes darting back and forth from the little piece of popcorn to my eyes to see if I’m making any sign that it is forbidden. He nose sniffs ever so gently closer and
Please help me
Buy me a one way ticket to ANYWHERE that has temperatures above 32 degrees. I’ll be your lap dog. I’ll fetch your paper… well, I would except my mouth isn’t big enough to even get around the Anchorage Daily News. But I’ll be very nice and polite and even poop and pee outside so long as I don’t risk freezing my butt to the ground.
How to spend a fun day
Get your credit card compromised, get a new one issued and then spend an entire day updating the information with all 3284 companies that bill you automatically each month on your credit card. Yep, it doesn’t get much more fun. Anyone out there know a quick cure for a numb butt?
I don’t have a cell phone because…
I don’t have a cell phone so that “they” can’t trace my movements because if they did, they’d die of boredom. And I wouldn’t want to be responsible for someone’s death.
Poor BuddhaBubba
Every once in awhile, Carm and Snowy forget about the Santa toy and leave him lying somewhere unattended. About once every thirty to sixty days, BuddhaBubba sees it lying there and takes advantage of the opportunity to claim it for her own. The problem? Once she’s cornered it, managed to stuff it in her mouth and protect it from the boys, she stands in total bewilderment clearly wondering what the hell she’s supposed to do with it now that she caught it. I’m with her. I have no idea why the boys both think they are the powerful vanquishers of
There simply ought to be a law
There simply ought to be a law banning Christmas music before December 1. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, should have to listen to Frosty the Snowman for more than four weeks a year. It’s simply cruel.