
Just when Anchorage was reaching my comfort level

I arrive on the East Coast for a wedding and the temps are in the 70s. I realize when I go to Cuba next week it will be even hotter. I maybe should have rethought this whole thing.

A suggestion to all members of my family who are contemplating the idea of marriage sometime before I die and who also think they might want to invite me… think January or February. Lovely months. And I have clothes that work in those temps.

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There she goes… Miss America

In case you missed it, the Miss America pageant happened last weekend. Miss New York, who looks distinctly mid-Eastern, won. When I was growing up, the composition of that pageant contestants was so homogenous that I knew I could never participate (my last name was Italian, I had brown hair, I was chubby and – most of all – I hated getting dressed up). Now the faces on stage truly do look like a multi colored ethnic rainbow.

So while I am still not sure why we need a Miss America, or how we can choose one girl and say

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Helen had a face that launched a thousand ships


Bella has a face that says mom and dad are in for quite an adventurous roller coaster ride in the years to come.

Batten down the hatches – Bella is in the house!

And our family thought her mother turned everyone’s hair growing up. I think Bella will set new records.






























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pictures, Scribblings

Despair all around


Santa face plants on the bed. BuddhaBubba and Carm look stricken. Snowy is so devastated he can’t face the camera.

Come back, Karie. The kids are quickly losing all hope.



























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