pictures, Scribblings

Slowly but surely


Slowly but surely we are coming together as a family that has stretched to admit one more. Now that Snowy has had his vet visit, had all his licenses bought and confirmed and… perhaps most importantly… had a visit with Jordan to get a proper haircut, we are ready to start integrating as a family. A big moment arrived when BuddhaBubba and Carm let him share their couch pillow, if not exactly their space, for the first time. Here we see Carm manfully protecting his woman from the intruding male. Given that the intruding male is a neutered two year

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The next phase

So long as they thought Snowy was visiting, BuddhaBubba and Carm were fine with playing with him and having fun. As the reality has sunk in that he’s not leaving, they have grown less amused. Since they are 9 and 11 and he’s 2 or 3, the energy level in the house has been raised quite a bit. BB and Carm’s response to that is to get on their pillow beds scattered throughout the house and watch with only slightly veiled disdain as Snowy bounds happily about shaking squeaky toys in his mouth. So long as he doesn’t touch Santa,

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pictures, Scribblings

Meet our new family member – Snowy


With a name like that, he was meant to be part of our family. He’s a part Peke and a part god knows what. And he’s a bundle of joyful enthusiasm despite a difficult early life. You can see from the way Carm is lying by my side that he’s thrilled. Actually, BuddhaBubba should be the one complaining. Carm and Snowy quickly did some male pair bonding. BB spent the afternoon asleep on the couch trying to ignore their boyish antics. The birds… well, they are calling their lawyers to see just how many dogs I’m allowed to bring into

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the joys of retirement

Had old Barrow friends over a few nights ago. Started out with dinner at the Korean restaurant I love so much and then back to my house for drinks. We all managed one drink and stayed up until 10:30 before we started to fade so badly it almost turned into a sleep over. This was not the way we dreamed it would happen when we all worked and fantasized about late night mid-week parties with no responsibilities to get us up in the morning. Sigh.

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A conversation with a bank

Conversation with Wells Fargo

Me:  I transferred money to my son and he hasn’t received it yet

Them:  Since you transferred it after 8pm Pacific time it won’t credit until today’s postings

Me:  I’ve transferred money before, at all hours of the day, and he’s gotten it instantaneously

Them:  Well, that shouldn’t have happened

Me:  How can we make it happen?

Them:  I’ll have to put you on hold

Bad Music

Them:  I’m going to transfer you to our transfer department. (Yes, they really said that). They should be able to recall the transaction, then you can send it again

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That feeling of wet

Got into bed a few nights ago and realized I’d forgotten to brush my teeth. Got up and went to the bathroom sink without putting my slippers on. Stepped on the little rug in front of the sink and it was soaking wet. Turns out that when BuddhaBubba gets up in the evening as we watch TV and goes into my bathroom, it’s not to get a drink of water… it’s to empty the last drink out on my rug.

It’s a good thing I love that dog so much.

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No, no, no!

The weather was just getting back to my comfort zone and bam! today is another scorcher. Does no one in the universe understand that this is Anchorage and we are NOT supposed to be this warm. C’mon goddess, get it straight. Alaska cold. Florida hot. How hard is that?

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I find it amusing

I find it amusing that the NSA whistle blower has now fled from China to Russia. Yep, nothing like fleeing from one country known for its free press to a country even better known for its open atmosphere and vigorous press freedoms. 

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