pictures, Scribblings

Dog love


Here’s how you know you’re a real dog lover. You wake up to your dog standing on your chest and exhaling his overwhelmingly fishy breath into your face and you find yourself smiling and hugging him.

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Columns 2015

Another day, another shooting

Here is an excerpt from President Obama’s reaction to the shooting at the Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic last week. “This is not normal. We can’t let it become normal. If we truly care about this . . . then we have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them. Period. Enough is enough.” Poor guy. He’s actually delusional enough to think that this shooting will make any more or less of a difference than the many shootings before it.

Robert Lewis Dear was described by those

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That man who wears an orange cat on his head

The national news outlets report that Donald Trump’s numbers have fallen into the low 30% and view this as good since he is down from the 40% or so he’d been polling. And all I can think is, “In what world is it good news the 30% of Americans think Donald Trump is qualified for anything other than looking for a new wife since his current one must be close to her mid thirties and that puts her in the too old range for him?”

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I don’t know how the national news is not yet covering this. Murres, a sea bird, are dying at record numbers in California, washing ashore starved to death. Here in Alaska, Bird TLC has had over 30 admitted in the past few weeks, all starving, and none of them anywhere near where they should have been.

So what’s happening? And why isn’t the national news interested? Oh, that’s right. No Kardashian is involved.

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Columns 2015

When did Republicans become the party of cowards?

Remember 9/11? Of course you do. It’s not a day any of us are likely to forget. Soon after it, American flags showed up on everyone’s porch and people were spotted wearing t-shirts that said, “These colors don’t run” superimposed over the red, white and blue.  Sure is embarrassing to remember that now as our esteemed Republican presidential candidates and multiple governors tuck their tails between their legs and run in fear of refugees. I guess in their world, the colors do run.

A certain segment of America insists on their right to pack heat in visible sight everywhere they

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Thanksgiving Eve

As of midnight tonight, we officially enter the guilt free zone of Thanksgiving eating. May your pants be tight, your stomach be full and your smile be as broad as can be when you rise from your holiday table. And remember, neither carbs, nor fats, nor sugars matter on Thanksgiving. On this one day each year, they all come with only positive health benefits.

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Just a heads up to all Alaska drivers

Putting your turn signal on AFTER you have squeezed in front of me to pull into my lane despite the snow and ice making the distance between us NOT SAFE, it doesn’t count! Turn signals, as their name implies, signals you want to turn. Put it on BEFORE you turn, you asshole!

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Who’s with me on this?

If we elect Donald Trump, aside from throwing up in our mouths every time we say the words “President Trump”, we’ll save on a whole salary since that thing living on his head can be his VP. I mean, seriously, who would want to be his running mate?

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