
Made it to Cambodia

Made it in one piece. Xanax on 14 hour flight made all the difference. Slept the whole way and arrived feeling fresh… Almost… And human. Now off for a massage to take away the plane kinks. $10 dollars for an hour. How can I refuse that offer.

Freedom Hotel, Siem Reap

Lodging · Siem Reap, Cambodia

Tomorrow’s post will be a little out of order. It’s about my visit to a facility called COPE in Laos that was later in the trip. The sequential posts will resume on Friday.

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Alaska Airlines wins my heart yet again!

Another reason I love Alaska Airline. Getting off the plane in San Francisco and a pilot who had deadheaded on the flight got off in front of me. I had my usual dazed and confused look. I didn’t have a boarding pass for the next flight on Cathay Air and only had a seven hour layover to figure out how to get one without going back through security. He noticed my uncertainty and came over, asked if he could help, and pointed me to their boardroom and suggested even if they didn’t offer a day pass so I could wait

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Columns 2015

I’m back

And I have my usual sinus infection so am operating at half speed. Which is why I am going to be lazy in the blog for the next few days and run the pieces I was doing on Facebook about my travels to Cambodia and Laos. Hope you enjoy them if you don’t follow me on Facebook. And if you do, sorry for the repetition but everything in my head is swimming and this is the best I can do until the antibiotics kick in.

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Columns 2015

I’m off

No, not mentally. I’m leaving for a quick two week jaunt to Cambodia and Laos. On the assumption that high speed Internet… or much of any Internet… will be available there, I’ll be taking a two week break from the blog. I’ll be back the end of October.

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Columns 2015

It was a bad week

It was a pretty horrible week, one that even the distribution of dividend checks couldn’t save. After all, we know the state is broke, our checks are likely to never be bigger than this year’s, and we will probably soon be using the Permanent Fund to keep state government afloat. So while our legislators pondered how two minus four somehow equaled plus zero, the rest of the country looked on in horror at the latest school massacre. And a vast majority of liberals who thought the pope was in their back pocket found out, to their extreme dismay, that he

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Columns 2015

How we view serious women

Amal Clooney, famously the wife of George, is also an international rights lawyer. Recently, I watched a piece about her on E. 3/4 of the coverage was about her outfit and its cost. 1/4 showed her walking into a room to give testimony relating to her job. Approximately twenty seconds were given to a sound bite about the Maldives. 

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pictures, Scribblings

It’s mine! All mine!


I have the privilege of feeding Bird TLC’s education bird, Denali – The Golden Eagle, while he presenter is in Mongolia learning even more about golden eagles. He is holding his quail dinner and, I would guess from the look on his face, thinking, “Back off, puny human. This is MY quail.”

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The final day of the trilogy

And it was 43 years ago today that I arrived in Barrow. My first experience was asking for a bathroom in the old hut that counted as the airline building.  Ose Matsutani, who was there to greet me with other staff from the hospital, looked a bit taken aback and then said, “She might as well experience it now as later.” And that was my introduction to a honeybucket system of sanitation. Why I didn’t run back to NYC at that point will always be a mystery to me. Glad I didn’t. I had some of the greatest adventures of

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