Columns 2008

It’s simply not fair

Excuse me, but I just have to say this. Darn that Sarah Palin!  And believe me, when that phrase first popped into my head, darn was not necessarily the euphemism that came with it.  I know life is not necessarily fair, but this is ridiculous.  I look more pregnant when I’m constipated than Palin looks two months before delivery.  Where is the fairness in that? I have friends who swear they looked more pregnant seven minutes after conception than she does now.

This woman was doing shoots for Vogue magazine when she was at least four or five months pregnant,

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It’s always the same picture

The politician’s faithful wife by his side, her face pulled into an unreadable expression, as he admits to indiscretions, to cheating on their marriage. As he publicly humiliates her yet again, there she stands, by his side in the same picture we have of so many wives.  Now it’s Mrs.Spitzer’s turn. And I wonder why one of these wives doesn’t just look their husband in the eye and say, “Screw you. Go out there and face the music yourself. It’s your music. Not mine.”

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For all you who are waiting

For all you who are awaiting my reaction to the fact that our governor is seven months pregnant and had to tell us because she still wasn’t showing, be patient. This week’s column should answer all your questions. Meanwhile, all you ladies should feel free to eat ALL the leftover Valentine candy in your house and any Christmas candies you find between the couch pillows. It is simply the healthiest first response to this announcement.

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OPEC…you gotta love them!

Am I the only one who finds it funny that even OPEC won’t listen to George Bush? In case you missed it, they refused to up their output despite his request based on the theory that he screwed up the American economy and there was no reason for them to rescue him. Yep, you know your reputation in America really sucks when even OPEC is dissing you and no one defends you from them.

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Ok, I admit it

When it comes to George Clooney I am absolutely a limp noodle. It must be the Italian in him. God I hate being part of the crowd.

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When I want to crash right into them

Thank god I am a civilized person. I was waiting to turn left and traffic was just about to break to let me in.  Except for one car that was traveling slower than all other traffic and was weaving a little too.  Sure enough, when the driver got close enough for me to see, she was on a cell phone while leaning over to the passenger’s side like she was looking for something in the glove compartment. And all I could think was that she was very lucky I didn’t just crash my car into her in anger and frustration.

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Columns 2008

Silence is golden

A friend and I recently had an e-mail exchange about silence versus…well, anything that makes noise. He went through a great deal of trouble to find a portable radio that meets his living and exercising needs. Exercising is also his excuse for owning an iPod.  I don’t own an iPod.  Or a Blackberry…in fact, I’m still not even sure what a Blackberry is. I’ll figure that out as soon as I figure out what Blue Tooth means. Anyhow, I realized that I really am different from the majority of people in that I seek and crave silence. When I walk,

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Columns 2008

Obama’s speeches move us to be better than we are

Hillary Clinton seems to have a problem with the inspirational aspect of Barak Obama’s campaign. She wants details. That’s funny coming from a woman whose husband once said, “There is nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by what is right with America.” Sometimes politicians forget that it’s not just the nuts and bolts of a plan that change the landscape. Sometimes it’s the words used to inspire a people to be better than they are, to achieve goals they thought impossible.

All the great leaders of history have known that this is an integral part of leading. Is

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Lindsay Lohan only wishes….

I just got my New York Magazine with the nude photo shoot with Lindsay Lohan recreating Marilyn Monroe’s nude shoot. May I just say that Lindsay should go home and give it up. Her size 0, little boy, straight body with no boobs or curves is NOTHING compared to Marilyn’s voluptuous size 12 to 14 body that came complete with boobs that mattered and curves that wouldn’t quit. Now that was sexy. This androgynous stick trying to pretend to Marilyn’s breathtaking sensuality is just pathetic.

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