Columns 2007


A friend who was visiting me noticed that some housing improvements happening next door were spilling over slightly onto my property.  It was nothing that wouldn’t be removed when the work was done. But still, my friend felt that I should say something. I just smiled.

When this project first started, I watched the initial efforts from my office window. One day, my neighbor was using a loader to prepare the ground. His young son came out to watch, fascinated by the loud noise, big tires and giant scoop.  He stood next to the cab of the machine and held

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Who will win?

Our latest trial of corrupt politicians continues apace here while back in my childhood state of New Jersey, Atlantic City politicians fall faster than trees in the South American rain forests. Who will win? Which state will come out on top with the most corruption in public life? Will it be perennial favorite New Jersey, home of some of the best corruption this side of Russia?  Or Alaska, that scrappy up and comer who is trying so hard to beat the old pros? Stay tuned. It can only get better.

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Rudy Giuliani

I wonder how hard conservatives have to swallow to accept him as their front runner?  HIlary Clinton better respresents their values.  And that is sure a sign of the end of times.

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Thank god for west coast time

I remember as a child begging to stay up to watch Jack Paar and Johnny Carson and my mother finally giving in with the understanding that if I didn’t get out of bed on time in the morning or my school work suffered, the privilege would be yanked. I could stay up until 1 AM and still be bright and fresh in the morning. Now, the only reason I can keep my eyes open through Letterman’s monologue is that Alaska gets its TV from the West Coast which is an hour later than us. What shows up there at 11:30

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Lynne Cheney

Am I the only one who watched her interview on the Daily Show last week and thought I was watching Barbara Bush Jr.?

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Columns 2007

One year later

My wonderful Mr. T died a year ago October 16.  My new girls, Blue and Blondie, came to live with me within a week of his death.  Some people say that the pain of losing a dog is so bad that they will never get another one.  My feelings have always been that by getting another dog, I have someone to hold on to when I cry for my loss.  As my mother would say, different strokes for different folks.

Since childhood, my life has been enriched by the presence of pets.  There was Major, the boxer who used to

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Heading home

The East Coast, as always, has been fun. But I’m heading home today and happy to be going there. I want cold and snow and darkness and no humidity so my hands crack open and cleats on my boots when I walk and snow tires….wait, where was I?  Oh yeah, why I’m happy to be going home.  Hmmm…maybe I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

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I miss the birds

It’s Tuesday morning and I’m not at Bird TLC feeding eagles, owls and swans. It just doesn’t seem right when my Tuesdays don’t involve smelly salmon, reconstituted rodents and red meat from hell.  I can’t wait to get back to Alaska and into my routine.  Am I the only one who gets this way by the end of a trip? 

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