
A reason to be glad I’m sixty

Since my two new dogs shed like there will be no tomorrow, dog hair is becoming a problem.  So, I went to Value Village today to buy some king sheets for my downstairs futon, my upstairs couch and the car.  As I checked out, the lady smiled at me and asked me if I was sixty.  I swallowed my urge to run screaming from the store and said yes.  She told me it was Senior Day and I got a discount on everything I bought. So those $2.99 sheets only cost me $2.40 cents each.

So now I have a

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Let me see if I have this straight…

A priest fathers three children in Alaska but the Jesuits claim he is not responsible for child support because he took a vow of poverty.  Funny. That vow of chasity didn’t seem to be a stumbling block for him. Best of all, the Jesuits to whom he supposedly gave all his money also claim they are not responsble for child support. Yep. That’s exactly what I think Jesus would say. Screw the little children.  Yep. Sounds just like him.

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Warning to all Alaskan drivers

It was cold here and it snowed. Then it got warm and things melted. Then it got cold again and everything froze up. That frozen stuff is called ice. When it’s on the road, you can’t stop quickly unless you use the bumper of the car in front of you as a brake.  Try and remember this as you speed down the street while on the phone, drinking coffeee and, for all I know, having sex in the front seat. Because I swear to god the first one who actually hits my bumper as opposed to skidding crazily behind me

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Columns 2007

They did Ted Stevens wrong

The news coming out of Fairbanks concerning misspent federal grant money got me thinking about my days writing grants for the North Slope Borough Health Department back in the seventies.  I was new to the business of grants and had to learn on the job what did or didn’t impress the feds.  I also had to understand that their learning curve about Alaska was nothing short of mind-boggling in its slow, painful progress.

Each year I would write renewal grants to Indian Health Service for a variety of programs serving our eight North Slope villages.  Each year I would submit

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We can’t win a fight when they aren’t fighting us

I may not know much about policy and war and such but it does seem to me that it’s hard to win a war when the enemy is not fighting us but each other. If the Iraqis had gotten involved in our civil war, they couldn’t win because we weren’t fighting them. And we sure in hell weren’t going to listen to anyone who tried to negotiate a peace. North and South each wanted victory to support their world view and would take nothing less. That’s why we ended up in the war in the first place.  So why do

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Here’s how you define real friends

Real friends show up at a charity auction dressed in strange bird outfits and work their butts off all night to help make money for a cause they know is important to you. Real friends spend hours making a quilt to be auctioned off at the affair because they know it’s important to you.  And real friends drag their kids to the event to be free labor for the evening because everything we get for free leaves that much more for the birds.  Thank you Carol and Barbara, Kate and Elaine and Page and Lelani and Nick.

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A very brave parrot

For anyone who wonders why I love my birds, let me tell you this story. 

I put Abdul, my African Gray Parrot, on my counter while I cut up a pineapple.  I took the top of the pineapple and put it on the counter where she was in case she wanted to chew on it or shred it or destroy it in some other creative way. Parrots love destroying things and this seemed like a good idea. But that pineapple top was new to her and strange and scary. In the wild, parrots are a prey animal and so they

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