
In Memoriam

Mr. T 1990 – Oct. 16, 2006

His motto was “You can take my balls but you can’t take my testosterone” and he lived that motto every day of his life.

Now he’s waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge with Lovey and Morris and Adeline and Zia.  Sometimes it feels as though I can’t wait to join them.

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What will my new title be?

In view of my godchild’s pending event, will I become a Great Fairy Godmother (something I’ve always tried to be) or a Fairy Great Godmother?  And will either of those titles offend enough members of the gay community so as to cause them to file a class action suit against me?

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You know you’re old when….

You are visited by two lovely young ladies and halfway through the visit you start forgetting you ever changed their diapers and just keep thinking how much fun they are to be with.

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Can you say “personal responsibility”

OK, if I have this straight, and I’m afraid I do, some congressman running for re-election has decided that since Ted Kennedy was a scum bag when he deserted Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquidick, Dennis Hastert should be viewed as ok by us in comparison – even if he did sit on the fact that one of his party’s representatives was trying his best to diddle male congressional pages.  Ah politics.  Nothing like reaching for the gold standard, is there?  Of course, in this case we ended up with the poo poo standard.

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Do you know where your kids are, mom?

Just a quick note for that particular mom who I know is out there wondering how her kids are.  Well, she’s either doing that or she’s sitting at her kitchen table, reveling in the quiet, while sipping her 15th latte of the day and petting her dog.  Anyhow, they are fine. They are delightful. They are two charming young ladies that you should have no fear to present to the world.  And, they are an absolute hoot for wanting to hang around with an old lady and have fun.  Just a fair warning…I may have accidentally slipped and given out

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The holidays approach and family sturm und drang kicks up five notches as the all important question “Where will we spend (fill in the holiday)?” gains momentum . And this is yet again why Alaska is so peaceful for me.

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Columns 2006

Why I live in Alaska

I recently celebrated the 34th anniversary of the day I arrived in Alaska. The fact that I remember the date and celebrate it each year is probably indicative of how important it is in my life.

At a luncheon I attended soon after this anniversary, I was approached by someone who said that it was clear from what I wrote and said that I’d found my place in this state and had put down some pretty deep roots.  She asked what it was that had kept me here way past my initial two year commitment with Indian Health Service.


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At lesat making women wear a veil is honest

I was watching a show on anorexia and bullemia and how being a size o is now the goal for girls and women. And it occurred to me that at least Muslims are honest and open about their feeling for women by making them wear a burqa or whatever that head to toe walking tent is called.They want them to be invisible and dresss them as such.  Here in the West, we claim that is horrible and that we treat our women with respect. I don’t see the respect when we are telling them they have to be a size

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I’m getting nervous now

I have two wonderful young ladies coming to visit me tomorrow and as I look around my house, I once again realize that not everyone thinks normal includes six birds and a blind and deaf dog who has to be carried everywhere just because life is too short to wait for him to get there himself.  I wonder if I can ever get all the little birdseed, crumbs and corn kernels up before they arrive? I wonder if they will laugh or be horrified by some of the language my birds know?  None of which, of course, they learned here…that’s

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