
Why would anyone mix these up?

Why would anyone ever mix up a political party with a moral party?  I mean, how stupid do you have to be to think a party that lives to win elections based on ofttimes dubious information, slurs and outright lies, could have any moral compass?  No political party can claim that.  If you want morals, look elsewhere.  And for god’s sakes, get a life.

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Ark project

As soon as I find out what a cubit is, I plan to start an ark in my yard.  If you want to ge tin on the ground floor so you can be saved when the deluge finally overwhelms our ability to drain the water, sign up early.  Seats in the good section are going fast.  For those wondering, the bad section involves sharing sleeping space with the lower orders of mammals like politicians and televangelists.

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Ark project

As soon as I find out what a cubit is, I plan to start an ark in my yard.  If you want to get in on the ground floor so you can be saved when the deluge finally overwhelms our ability to drain the water, sign up early.  Seats in the good section are going fast.  For those wondering, the bad section involves sharing sleeping space with the lower orders of mammals like politicians and televangelists.

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Protection, Inc.

The US Congress is nothing more than Protection, Inc. and it protects only its own. It makes unions and the mafia look open and inviting by comparison. And while I’m at it, I find it very interesting that the Republicans are trying to spin this as a Democrat problem and are bringing up poor horny Bill again.  Have they no shame?

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When is it no longer the original?

So if you make something for dinner and it’s too much and then you end up eating it for the next ten days in a row but on the 11th day it’s not quite enough so you add a little of something else to stretch it but then you have way too much again and the cycle repeats, at what point do you no longer have any of the original involved?

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Columns 2006

We, the soggy, salute the damp

It is the 500th day of rain this year in Anchorage.  People are starting to look grim.  Mold and mildew are growing in the most unimaginable spots on animals and humans alike. When the sun occasionally breaks through the clouds, people react with horror at the bright yellow dot in the sky. What could it be?

This is not a good turn of events in a town where concealed weapons are as prevalent as lattes at Caf� Loco.  You want people who are carrying concealed weapons to be happy most of the time, not damp. 

Each morning, my little dog

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Here’s what I don’t get

If that Florida congressman was both an alcoholic AND had issues with underage girls, why did all his colleagues just turn and look the other way?  Is there truly no honor in politics?  Were they all just so stupid they didn’t see it?  If they can’t stand up on an issue as simple as this, what hope does this country have for its future?  It seems like congress has just become the place where everyone protects everyone else there as their first priority and constituent concerns come way down the hierarchy.

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Happy anniversary to me

Yesterday marked the 34th anniversary of my arrival in Alaska.  Tomorrow will mark the 34th anniversary of my arrival in Barrow. It’s been a long, strange journey.

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Remember the Eisenhower/Nixon marriage

Remember when Ike’s son and Richard’s daughter married thereby uniting what was then two American political forces?  Fast forward to 2006. Imagine what would be produced if Cheney and Rumsfeld’s children managed to somehow unite and reproduce.  Scary, isn’t it?

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Good for you!

Let’s all send out a cheer to those Aleut villagers who have refused Venezuela’s free heating oil in protest of their idiot president’s (Venezuela’s, not ours) remarks about George Bush. Bush may be the biggest disaster to hit the White House since I don’t know when but he’s OUR disaster and if you can’t respect the person, you need to respect the office. That’s why our elections happen in the voting booths and courts in this land and not at the end of a tank or gun.

I hope someone here in America appreciates the sacrifice these people have just

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