Kevin Spacey…is there a more annoying actor on the stage today? I think not. If you have any doubt, see his Bobby Darin movie. Yes, I realize actors are becoming quite over represented in my annoyance hall of fame but is it my fault that we have made celebrities our of some of the most annoying people on earth?
Yes, Mel is on the list
I can’t believe anyone even had a question as to Mel Gibson’s status on my “annoying the hell out of me” list. He’s about to reach Tom Cruise status and be retired into the hall of fame. He’s been a front runner since Braveheart and Passion of the Christ just about put him over the top. But now he’s just too easy of a target. I might have to wait till next year to make a final determination on him.
OK, we are getting closer to a front runner
BP is certainly moving up by leaps and bounds in the category of people and things that are annoying me the most this year.
No winner yet
In the annual “who can annoy me the most” contest, we surprisingly do not have a clear cut winner yet. Usually by this time of the year, one has emerged. Tom Cruise, as always, is a top contender. And televagelists, as a category, were retired with honor to the hall of fame last year. Brad and Angelina would be on the list but I find I avert my eyes whenever I see the start of their names in any publication and so have successfully avoided them. Political campaigns are in the running as always but they may soon have to
Some Elders lack credibility in Alaska Bush
In last week’s column, I spoke about the death rates in Bush Alaska and specifically in Alaska Native villages. Their death rates for suicide, accidents, and drug or alcohol overdoses top the charts for Alaska. In the lower 48, similar trends are evident on Native American reservations.
I find myself frequently listening with a sympathetic ear to people from the Bush as they attempt to work through these problems and possible solutions. And I once again find myself staring at the big pink elephant in the middle of the room that no one wants to acknowledge.
Among the reasons we
A lesson learned
One should not cut up credit cards received in the mail until one is sure they are actually unsolicited cards and not their new ATM card. Anyone got a buck to loan me for the next five to seven days?
Alaska fashion
In Alaska, sandals may be worn until snow is actually sticking to the ground. Until then, it’s considered summer.
Mr. T goes into the closet
I found Mr. T standing in the closet in the entryway staring at the back wall. He wanted to go out and had apparently missed the correct door by a few feet. This would be a lot funnier if it weren’t for the fact that I feel like way too many of my days are spent that way. If I’d just look a little to the right, I’d realize I had the wrong door.
Another why in my life
Why do people in Anchorage water their lawns when it’s raining? Do they not get irony at all?
Why is it….
Why is it that the only time someone recognizes me in public as the person from the paper I’m either having a horrendous hair day or I’ve just stuffed a big bite of food into my mouth and am sruggling with my tongue to get the last crumb off my upper lip or I’m wearing my weekend pants and shirt?