
Screw up the sequence, mess with my mind

My friend’s daughter just had a baby named Erin.  Nice name but out of sequence which means for the rest of that child’s life I will look at her and think her name should begin with a D. The first grandchild is Aiden. The second is Brenna. The third is Connor.  Are you seeing the pattern here? And suddenly we skip D and go to E.  It’s just not right to mess with my head that way. D is a perfectly good letter and should not be ignored by those who would show prejudice against it.

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Seriously, why not pave the yard?

I spent a good deal of my time yesterday in the yard trying to clean it up and plant some flowers and got assaulted by the mosquitoes from hell. And again I must ask, what’s wrong with a paved lawn painted a nice green?

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Columns 2006

DaVinci Code Movie….YAWN!

I thought I’d risk my immortal soul this week and go see The DaVinci Code.  I have always found Tom Hanks to be one of the more decent people in the film industry and usually enjoy any film he’s in. And, let’s be honest, who can really question Opie’s morals or values?  I mean, he was raised in Mayberry by Andy for goodness sakes!

Having now seen the movie, I can only say that I believe there is some sort of conspiracy between Opie and certain Christian groups to make as much noise as possible about this movie so that

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It has been suggested…

It has been suggested that the reason my barista will receive $34/hour to hold a stop/go sign at highway construction sites – as opposed to the pittance I am paid to handle abused and delinquent kids – might have something to do with her age and attractiveness.  Well, I never!  No, I really mean it.  I never had that going for me so how would I know.  I was born with the Sereni ass which means I have none.  It’s a genetic deformity that apparently doesn’t skip generations.

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There is simply no fairness in this

Yesterday, I found out that the young lady who makes my latte every day, a very nice young lady I might add, just got a job making $34/hour holding a sign that says Stop/Go at highway construction sites around town.  I make $35/hour working with abused and neglected kids and kids in the juvenile justice program in this state…and I have to bill the state in six minute increments. What is wrong with this picture?  And why does it make me wonder…nothing specific, just wonder?

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Time to admit defeat

I thought that by getting a big TV where I could see all those clues they are always talking about in CSI that I would finally be able to follow a story from start to finish.  Apparently not.

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Another Alaskan congressperson rants

Don Young is threatening retribution against those who voted against the feds building roads for logging in the Tongass.  What happened to the supposed fiscal consdervatives that were once the Republican Party? We spend $2.5 million building the roads with our tax dollars and get $105,000 back from the timber industry for timber sales.  Boy, I want to get in on that deal. My company is more than willing to let the feds pay me a million dollars to clear a path to my office that is frequently inaccessible because of bird poo from the parrots.  And I would be

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My family eats dandelion salad

My gardener for some obscure reason has decided that it’s more important for her to be in Fairbanks for the birth of her great granchild rather than in my yard deciding what are weeds and what have the potential to be called flowers.  One of the three trees I planted last year looks like it gave up on life sometime this past winter.  The moose have nibbled on the other two causing them to show great signs of growing into bushes rather than trees.  And I’m figuring that if my family eats dandelion salad, then I don’t have to count

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Columns 2006, pictures

Mormon Church provides helping hands


Bird TLC is pretty much an all volunteer organization.  This means not having staff to do some routine stuff that should probably occur on a yearly basis. That would include cleaning out the mew yard next to the building.  In my six years as a volunteer there, I have watched as each winter faded away and the yard went from a slightly ugly snowy wonderland to summer in Calcutta ….and not the upscale section of that town.

So it was with some excitement that I heard about plans to finally take rake to ground and try to make the place

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