
Adopt a nun

So I’m reading the weekly religious page of our local paper to see if I’ve accidentally been saved when I wasn’t looking and lo and behold there is an article about a group of nuns who have started an “Adopt a Sister” program to help pay for the care of the elderly nuns in their order.  I read a little further and lo and behold it is the nuns who taught me in grade school – the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco (you had to be able to spell all of that before you moved from kindergarten to first

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Bra shopping

Just another thing on my list of things I never want to do again in this lifetime. Ever. Because there is nothing like a firm and lithe young lady coming in to the room and bringing you ever stronger bras to hold up all that’s sagging while hers stand at attention with no help.

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And why…

is it called good with a capital G? I’m betting that for Jesus, parts of it had to be pretty miserable.

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Is it true?

Is it true that the Apostles were the first OPEC and that they declared Fridays and Lent meatless times to increase their share of the fish market? And will I go to hell for even asking this question so close to Easter? Well, if I do, at least I won’t go alone. I have a whole cabal of young cousins who apparently find this a fascinating question to debate via e-mail. And with each successive missive I receive I realize just how much I really do like them and am so proud to be related to them. I just don’t

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Baby Birds and Bird TLC

I’m assuming that anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit crazy about birds…all birds, every kind, shape, variety and sound. God gave them the gift of flight and I think I’ve always been a little jealous about that.

Anyhow, I volunteer with a group called Bird TLC that provides rehabilitation for wild birds here in Anchorage as well as education programs with birds that cannot be released.  And with spring just around the corner, we have something called Baby Bird Season upon us.

Baby birds who have lost their home or their mom for some reason are

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Columns 2006

If you didn’t vote, they’re not your elected officials

Yes, sir. Welcome to Anchorage. Welcome to Alaska. Welcome to America. Land of the brave and home of the free, emphasis on the word free.

Seems to me that America has become the ultimate land of the freeloader.  I’m not talking about the mythical welfare mom arriving in her Cadillac to pick up a welfare check.  I’m not referring to illegal immigrants who might receive taxpayer funded health care because their under minimum wage, off the books, jobs leaves them no choice.  No, I’m talking about your every day, born and bred here, July 4 flag waving American who thinks

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It’s unanimous

April is Child Abuse Awareness month. I was on a call in radio show this morning called Talk of Alaska to discuss this topic. It was unanimous. We are all against it.

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Be prepared

Everyone in the Anchorage bowl area should be prepared for a blizzard tonight since I’m having my studded snow tires changed out today. Sorry about that.

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Is it just me or….

Is it just me or does Tom Cruise just continue to get stranger with each interview?  And seriously, have they sucked out what few brains Katie Holmes might have had going into this fake relationship?  One is reminded of a certain 50s macho male star and his brief abortive marriage.

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