
Life after gastric bypass

Those of you who are regular readers of this column know that I have written a few times over the past five months about my journey towards gastric bypass surgery.  After fighting my insurance company, switching surgeons once when it was clear that the surgeon and I had a different definition of the initials M.D. (he thought they stood for major deity, I didn’t), and going through every medical and mental test known to man, I finally received word that surgery had been approved and scheduled. I immediately panicked.

I panicked because I was sure those mental health evaluations had

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Public broadcasting competes against the best and wins

If there is one thing public broadcasting in Alaska has always been good at, it’s doing a lot with a little. On the one hand, I don’t know of a public broadcaster in this state who wouldn’t be happier to be doing a lot with a lot. On the other hand, when the pinch came in the late eighties and the spigot on oil money was squeezed almost shut, the public broadcasting system responded with some pretty heroic efforts.

For starts, public radio and TV stations didn’t close down and they never stopped serving their public. This may not sound

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Political ads make me want to scream

I deliberately waited to write a column about our recent political season until it was over. I didn’t do this out of fear of expressing my opinion on any given candidate or issue. I did it out of fear that my head would explode if I tried to write about the election before it was over.

There are some pretty astounding figures being tossed about over just how much was spent on various campaigns this political season.  In the end, the results of the huge sums spent did little to actually enlighten the electorate.

Most of the money seems to

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Charity shouldn’t just be a Christmas thing

Well, Thanksgiving is here and that means the holiday season now goes into full swing.  Tis the time of year when we overeat overspend and act as though eggnog was an entire food group.  Sadly, it is also the only time of year some of us remember those less fortunate who depend on the kindness of strangers to make their way in life.

I tend to be a “Bah! Humbug!” kind of person during the holiday season.  Before my mother died, she and I had a conversation about that. I told her that what made me crazy about this season

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Betrayal by trooper a tragedy on many levels

I grew up in a time when all parents felt very safe in telling their children to always look for a policeman if they were scared or lost.  A policeman, we were told, would always be our friend.

This was never necessarily true in Bush Alaska.  The police that were there – whether state troopers or city police – were usually outsiders brought in to enforce state and federal laws that may or may not have made a lot of sense to the local population within their cultural parameters.

A great example of this was an incident that occurred many

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Internet brings strangers to kids in the Bush

So I see from the paper that Barrow Cable TV is about to be purchased by GCI. That means that Barrow will be wired to the world at an even quicker rate than it already is.  Instead of listening to my Barrow friends complaining about slow dial up to the Internet and endless waits while downloading pictures of the latest cute things my animals did, they will have access to cable modem.  Now they won’t have an excuse to not comment on how wonderful my little flock looks.

When I first arrived in Barrow in 1972, they didn’t even have

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Heels are nice, but mukluks are best

Sometime back two decades or so ago when I stilled lived in Barrow, I made a great ceremony out of tossing my last pair of pantyhose into the trash and declaring my body pantyhose free for the rest of my life. I did this out of a sense of duty to every woman who has ever walked down the street with her pantyhose twisting around her knees, the crotch sagging lower than a teenager’s levis.

Along with the pantyhose went the idea of ever again wearing a heel that in any way came to a point or a pair of

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St. Michael’s 100th anniversary

I don’t know if words could ever do justice to the scene at Bally’s Park Place Casino and Hotel where St. Michael’s Church of Atlantic City held it’s 100th Anniversary gala.  How do you describe 1000 people in a ballroom, almost all Italian, screaming and laughing with joy and tears as they run into classmates from grade school they hadn’t seen in 50 years?  Or old boyfriends who brought back the memory of being very young and innocent in a time when the young had the privilege of being innocent? Or the girlfriend who had a wall of Ricky Nelson

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Insurance industry works to block access

Having made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery, gotten the support of all the health care providers who kept me alive all these years, and passed the innumerable tests required before the surgery, I felt as though anything else I had to do for the surgery would be easy by comparison.  It had taken me over a year to traverse the pre-op road and now I was finally at surgery’s door – good health awaited me on the other side.  The only issue left to resolve was insurance pre-approval.

Ah how innocent we so often are when we find

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YWCA makes life interesting, fun and helps out when you need them

When I was a young girl, my world was fairly small and tightly controlled.  Nothing was done without the express written consent of parents, priests and nuns.  This led to some very interesting situations in my childhood for both me and some of my neighborhood companions.

For instance, there was the time my friend Grace got appendicitis while we were still in grade school. She wasn’t about to tell our nun that she had this pain because she didn’t want to miss school. By the time we got out that day, I literally had to help her down the stairs

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