Columns 2016

This baby did not need to die

A 22-year-old Anchorage woman was recently charged with killing her four-month-old daughter. The mother was found, about three hours after the baby was found, drunk and having consensual sex in a park. According to the bail document, she allegedly stuffed a knit hat into her daughter’s mouth and left it there to stop her from crying. When she removed the sock about five minutes later, the baby was barely breathing and then stopped altogether.

What kind of a woman stuffs a hat into her child’s mouth, kills the baby and then goes out to get drunk and have public sex? Continue reading →


Me and clothes

I am now old enough to admit that the only clothes I like are the ones already in my closet, have elastic waists and, if a top, are at least one size too big.

On the other hand, I am addicted to Fashion Police. I think that comes from a weird delight in seeing really rich, skinny beautiful people wearing strange clothes my mother would have never let me leave the house wearing. Continue reading →


I’m just wondering

I’m just wondering over the course of the presidential campaign how many times Trump’s spokesperson will have to “walk back” comments or tweets he’s made. We should get a betting pool going. Winner gets free citizenship in the country of their choice if Trump wins. Continue reading →


When I look

When I see the Republican Convention, I see yesterday.

When I see the Democratic Convention, I see tomorrow.

Not in their statements or platform but in the pictures you see of the crowds. Continue reading →


My house is filling up

The wedding is tomorrow. Tonight my house fills up with family from Coronado. My birds will soon be besides themselves with joy at all the noise and confusion that will erupt around them given that two of my guests are under 10. They find me dull and boring when we are home alone and all is quiet. My dogs will have their comfortable life and routine disrupted but that’s a good thing. Make them appreciate what they’ve got now and take for granted.

So on to the wedding in Indian tomorrow. The bride will be stunning. The groom will be Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Sometimes it’s better with the devll you don’t know

I respect Governor Walker because he seems a man of principle willing to take the heat in order to do what’s right. Let’s compare that to the current Alaska Legislature, which has finally gaveled its way into shameful retreat from its major responsibilities. Not only did they not have the guts to do what was needed to get our fiscal house in order, they didn’t even have the guts to gavel into session and take up the Governor’s cuts to their budget. No, they just tucked their tails between their legs and slunk home, letting the Governor take full responsibility

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