Columns 2016

Is this what we’ve come to?

So this is what it’s come to. Statesmanship, patriotism, the welfare of our country, not giving the button to nuclear weapons to a reality star… all this goes by the wayside because party unity and hating the Clintons is more important. I have been disappointed in our congressional delegation many times in the past but this time is the worse. They are all uniting behind Donald Trump because they believe defeating Hillary Clinton is more important than electing someone with even a modicum of credentials for the job of United States President.

This is like a patient asking for someone who just got a nurse’s assistant diploma from DeVry University to do their open-heart surgery because they don’t like the highly credentialed surgeon available for the procedure.


Make it go away

No, not Trump’s hair or suspiciously tiny hands. No, what I am sick and tired of is this new look of see through dresses and skirts and boobs so pushed up and out and then taped like a prisoner of war. Either go naked or wear clothes. But naked clothes are so over. I don’t want to see you ass sticking out from under a see through pair of pants. I don’t want to see side boob. I don’t want a slit that goes up the vagina.
Wow. I really needed to get that off my chest.

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Columns 2016

An uncomfortable embrace

Not since Al Gore tried to kiss Tipper onstage at the Democratic National Convention have I seen an embrace as uncomfortable as the one happening between Donald Trump and the Republican Party. It reminds me of dancing with boys for the first time at an 8th grade mixer where neither the boys nor the girls have a clue how to actually dance. Couples clumsily wander across the floor with absolutely no synchronicity. That, in a nutshell, defines the embrace between Republicans and Donald Trump.

It’s actually hard to decide which is more appalling. Is it the Republicans who say they will vote for Trump but won’t actually come out and endorse him? Or is it the Republicans who have come out in support of Trump and then announced their disagreement with just about everything the man they are endorsing proclaims?



I woke up to the sound of rain, a pleasant change from the constant sunshine we’ve been having. My lawn and lilac bushes look very happy about it. My dogs, not so much. They went out very reluctantly and came back as quick as they could empty those little bladders. They are taking the pouring rain VERY personally. Continue reading →


Control your jealousy

I actually have a contractor building my front porch who shows up every day early in the morning, works until five and is here every day.

I didn’t think this type of contractor actually existed. I’m used to the ones who show up for two hours a few times a week and tell you they’ll be right back. But they never are.

Anyhow, don’t even ask me his name. It’s a secret until all my projects are completed. Continue reading →


Potter’s Marsh Day

Come on out to Potter’s Marsh Day today at… where else… Potter’s Marsh. I’ll be there in the afternoon with Kodi, our Cache Crow. Bring your dollar bills. Kodi loves to cache them! Continue reading →


I just wish

I just wish I could go to sleep and not wake up until Hillary’s inauguration. Then I could miss all the stupidity in-between. To say nothing of the fact that it would be the best nap I’ve had since childhood. Continue reading →

Columns 2016

Conflict of interest

Given the shenanigans of our current Legislature, it’s sometimes hard to decide which of their actions makes the average Alaskan most crazy. For instance, they are now into the second week of their special session and the utter silence emanating from Juneau is deafening. Yet they are getting paid better for that silence than you will ever be for working your butt off.

Maybe Alaskans have become so accustomed to corrupt officials that it doesn’t even faze us anymore when a legislator does something sleazy. In fact, this one particular sleazy issue goes a long way towards getting Alaska ranked Continue reading →