I really do believe that in this world we need to try and understand all perspectives so that we can live peacefully. And so I try to understand Islam. And then I hear a radio interview with a guy who says a family refused to let their daughter marry the man she loved because he only rented a house so he wasn’t good enough for her. Then, giggling, the guy went on to say that also the potential groom was too tall for the girl so their body parts wouldn’t meet properly. And I thought to myself, really? And that’s a better reason for making or breaking a decision on marriage than the color of someone’s eyes? Then I read in the paper about a couple who were happily living their lives when there was a knock on their door and they found out that they’d been divorced because he wasn’t her equal. Apparently her family decided that after the marriage. The fact that they were happy and living a good life didn’t matter. The court divorced them without notice, evidence, any of those pesky things we believe in. And the woman had to go home to her family no matter how she felt.
I don’t know if I can ever support a world view that provides no voice to fifty percent of the population and shows no respect to one hundred percent of anyone who isn’t in power. What a horrible way to live.