You are invited to attend Bird TLC’s 25th Anniversary & Fundraiser!
Saturday, April 27th
Egan Convention Center
Visit with our Live Education Birds while enjoying hors d’oeuvres, a live and silent auction, and no host cocktails. We will celebrate the accomplishments of Bird TLC and all involved are guaranteed to have an enjoyable evening of all things birdie. This is Bird TLC’s largest annual fundraiser so plan on attending, having a good time, and helping us raise funds!
Tickets are $60 a person or $1000 for a table (seats 10). Volunteer tickets are $30 a person and can be purchased at the clinic. If you are presenting an ed. bird at the event, you must also purchase a volunteer ticket to reserve a seat for the rest of the event. To receive the Volunteer ticket rate, tickets need to be purchased by Friday, April 26th. All tickets will cost $60 at the event. For tickets call 562-4852 or visit our website http://www.birdtlc.net.
“It’s hard to believe it has been 25 years and Bird TLC’s rehabilitation efforts and education programs are stronger than ever. We are grateful to everyone who has helped build this organization into what it is today. In honor of our 25th anniversary, I cordially invite you to our Live Auction Fundraiser on Saturday, April 27th If you are not able to make it to the event, please consider making a donation towards our next 25 years.”
-Dr. James Scott, Bird TLC Founder