
Go away, 2016

I used to write a humorous column for the paper before each New Year about people and things relegated to my permanent Hall of Infamy. But this year has simply overwhelmed me with so many choices for that honor that I’ve decided to can the whole concept for now.

I can’t wait for 2016 to end, except of course for the fact that 2017 brings the end of my country and our democracy as we’ve known it as Orangeman and his cadre of billionaires and military/industrial generals complete the destruction of all we once held dear.

I still find it hard to believe that anyone who is not a billionaire bought into Orangeman understanding their plight and working for them. I find it harder to believe I actually know some of these people. And they are already saying that they didn’t believe him when he said he’d do certain things, like abolish the ACA without anything to put in its place. These people have suddenly realized just how far reaching and devastating that will be.

But even worse, I know people who supported this bag of scum with a tiny penis despite the fact that every other word out of his mouth was a lie and the words that weren’t lies were said to denigrate whole races and groups of people. And these are people who claim to be Christians. They clearly have read an alternate Bible from the one I was made to read as a child.  And now we find out that Russia was behind so many of the fake news stories. Sad that intelligent people could look at this bag of gaseous fecal wind and think he could do anything positive for this country.

So kiss 2016 goodbye and while you’re at it, kiss your ass goodbye. Because unless you are a straight white male or a billionaire, America is no longer for you,