
Rats scurrying away from a sinking ship

The exodus from the WH, whether voluntary or involuntary, looks like nothing more than rats deserting a sinking ship before it hits rock bottom. On the other hand, given the POS currently sullying the White House, one wonders just how far down rock bottom really is.

Any supervisor with this rate of employee turnover, especially if you were the supervisor who hired the employee, would have been fired by now or demoted to mail clerk… hmmm, do companies still have mail clerks?

Anyhow, seems as though we will be treated to a new administration every year until POS manages to find people stupid enough to still believe he isn’t an unmitigated idiot. It’s harder than you’d think to find people with lower IQs. Think Betsy DeVos and Ben Carson (who, if he ever really was a brilliant brain surgeon, has certainly managed to lose at least 100 points off his IQ since then) – that apparently is the standard to which POS aspires.
