
We knew it was coming

We all knew it was coming, right? I mean, we all knew it was just a matter of time before it was formally declared. And now we have heard it from the horse’s mouth – though most horses have better looking teeth.

Yep, the truth is not the truth. So proclaimed presidential lawyer and man who should sue his dentist for millions, Rudy Giuliani. We have formally and officially fallen through the looking glass. 1984 is in the rear view mirror and is starting to look normal compared to today. Even George Orwell’s vivid imagination could not equal the reality of the current administration. Up is down. Bad is good. White is… oh wait, those racists in the White House would never want anything to imply that white might be black. They’d lose their entire base.

But they have no trouble proclaiming that truth isn’t truth because it’s… what? Giuliani never answered that question except to say that if the president says something is true and someone else says it isn’t, then how do we know the truth.

OK, first of all, for a lawyer to say that mitigates the stunning stupidity of the question. They are trained to turn night into day to get a client acquitted. But even the dumbest of lawyers must be familiar with a concept called facts, also known as reality. So if the president says the moon is octagonal and facts say that it isn’t, I think the truth is actually pretty easy to discern. The truth is the statement verified by actual facts. And actual facts do not include anything coming out of the mouth of any member of this administration – especially Sarah Hock-a-lugger who spits one out every time she speaks.

I’d like to now present to you my truth. I am young, thin, beautiful, and a shoo-in for this year’s Miss America crown. And I don’t need any of you bleeding heart liberals telling me a different truth. Mine is the only one that counts. Right, Rudy?