
Grateful things

Here are the things I think we should be thankful for this holiday season. First and foremost, thank you Covid 19. Because of you I do not have to stress over holiday meals with family and/or friends I may or may not like. Seriously, if I don’t want to see them in June, why would I suddenly want to see them in November or December?

I think we also need to send thanks to – yes, this is not a misprint – Donald Trump. While some think he may have been responsible for over 300,000 deaths in America from Covid Continue reading →


Dr. Fauci should save his breath

Everyone I have spoken to this holiday season – friends, family, acquaintances – all are continuing on with their holiday travel plans as usual because – as they assure me – they know how to travel safely.

So I guess the lesson we learn from this is that everyone I know is smarter than the average American Fauci was addressing when he cautioned against holiday travel. Because they have all assured me that they know how to travel safely. Wow. If only the rest of America had asked for their advice on this, everyone could be traveling.

Americans – we Continue reading →


Dr. Fauci means you

I have searched my brain for a long time – and yes, there is enough left there for the search to be long – looking for a way to get over my frustration now turning to anger over holiday travel. I have relatives and friends who are traveling and all have the same argument. They know how to travel safely while the rest of the country is apparently filled with the idiots Dr. Fauci was actually addressing who don’t. In other words, the travel advisory, like so much else in this pandemic, is meant for everyone else but me.

This Continue reading →