According to the weather report, yesterday was the only day we would not have snow in about a week. So as someone whose eyesight is limited at best, driving while it’s snowing becomes a real challenge. I decided I needed to re-supply my house with all the essentials so that it could snow as much as it wanted for the rest of the weekend and into next week and I wouldn’t care.
What, you ask, are my essentials. Well, as an older person, I have found that simplifying my life makes it easier on a daily basis. So my essentials are:
- Coffee and creamer enough to last until the Rapture – you know, just in case the snow keeps falling.
- Rustic Wheat bread and scones from Fire Island bakery. Scones, I have found out, can be eaten for days after purchase if kept in a brown paper bag and eaten in small bites. As for the bread, well let’s just say that without it my life is almost as diminished as it would be without coffee.
- My favorite pot lemonade drink from my favorite pot store, Catalyst.
Given those items, I can survive for as long as it snows. But if anything runs out, stay away from me. I won’t be a nice person until I can again get them refilled.
So what is it you need stocked in your home to get you through the snow?