Columns 2015, pictures

A truly blended family


If you want to know what you look like to friends and relatives when explaining that twenty below weather is not bad because it’s a dry cold, then pay close attention to their faces as they explain to you that eighty plus degrees with three thousand percent humidity is good for your skin. No one is buying the other one’s story.

This thought occurs to me as I return from a trip to the East Coast to visit family. My mother swore that my sister and I came from the same father and that we are both her natural children.

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pictures, Scribblings

My sister… she doesn’t always get it right but you gotta love her for trying


So I get an e-mail from Judy that Ed Norton from the old Honeymooners Show (think early 1950s Jackie Gleason) will be at her casino/hotel in Atlantic City to sign autographs. I respond with a shocked expression of surprise. I thought for sure the guy was dead by now. And if he wasn’t, he had to be almost 100. She happily replied that yes, he was probably about 97. Then I thought about it a little more. But before I could e-mail her back that Ed Norton was the name of Art Carney’s character on the show and not an

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pictures, Scribblings

BuddhaBubba…. RIP 3/7/15


She was sweet and loving and followed me around like a shadow until her great big wonderful heart could no longer contain her spirit. And so I let her go over the Rainbow Bridge to a place where she can breathe with ease, run with the wind and never be in pain again.

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