
And in Alaska news…

In Alaska news, Charlo Greene lost her court case and was evicted from her store. She ran a “social club” that centered on pot. But that’s not the strange part. The strange part is that she lost out to the downstairs business which indulged in BSDM… an apparently alternative lifestyle. I’ll leave you to figure those initials out. I got a headache just reading about it.

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It gets harder and harder

It gets harder and harder to view Islamic extremists as fellow humans. I want to not lose that ability because I don’t want to become one of them. But it’s harder every day to not just be so angry that I want us to go to the mid-east with bombs and keep bombing until it is a virtual wasteland.

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So let’s see what our choices are…

Anchorage is having the kind of winter that gives winter a bad name. Our choices for weather seem to be below freezing weather followed by rain followed by more below freezing weather so that all the rain is now sheer ice, making every attempt to walk outside an unmitigated disaster waiting to happen. Today is freezing. Tomorrow we’re supposed to get freezing rain. I may just go to sleep until spring. Then I can wake up and see how many of my perennials died because there was no snow cover to protect the roots from the freezing ice.

Living in

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Snowy my protector

Snowy barked until 2 AM on New Year’s Eve, protecting me from every bang outside by racing frantically around the house barking at every door and window he could find. In between the barking, he’d jump on the bed and sit with his back towards me in a very protective stance. He would not lay down. Just sat there guarding me. BuddhaBubba, on the other hand, snored through everything. I don’t think she hears very well anymore. And Carm just lifted his head every once in a while and barked half-heartedly when he heard Snowy barking but mostly wanted to

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As I sat reading

As I sat in my bed reading the other night, the wind started howling and the temps moved steadily up the gauge. I thought at that time that I should have been more specific when I complained to god about the boring winter she’d sent us here in Anchorage. I wanted a good blizzard, snow swirling, cars sliding, heads bent low trying to walk to the car through deep drifts. I did NOT mean a rain storm. For goodness sake, it’s friggin’ January in Anchorage!

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Here’s what happens if you are very, very lucky in life


If you are very, very lucky in life, you end up fifty years later still spending Christmas with your best friend since kindergarten. You find yourself the godmother of her daughter. You find yourself with a friend you can share anything with because you’ve been through everything together. We should all be so blessed. Judy and Paula are.

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The problem with sleeping late most mornings

The problem arises on that one morning a week when we are up early so I can make it to Bird TLC. No one wants to get up at that hour except for Snowy. He’s still young enough to bounce out of bed and leap into the day while the rest of the household tries to find its slippers.

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