
Did you hear that deafening yawn?

I didn’t think a deafening silence could get much quieter than the one that greeted Mitt Romney’s statement that he’s might make another presidential run. The lack of anyone actually excited by the announcement seemed truly monumental. Then Sarah Palin goes to Vegas and hints she might run. And lo and behold, the silence greeting this news nationally was even more deafening than the one that greeted Romney. For Hillary’s sake, I’d like to see either one of them run. 

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It occurs to me

It occurs to me that Penny will be to Kaley Cuoco as Rachel is to Jennifer Aniston.

And those are the thoughts that will sneak up on you as you try to go to sleep sometimes.

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Gassing up

Filled my tank today. Had 60 cents off per gallon from Safeway thanks to the vast quantities of medication I take each day. Brought the cost of a gallon of gas to $1.97/gallon. Wow. I know this hurts Alaska’s economy buy it felt good!

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pictures, Scribblings

I think my dog is part cat


BuddhaBubba gets up in the morning long enough to get her pain pill. I turn the heating blanket on under her bed and she goes right back to sleep. About two hours later, after everyone else has gone downstairs to my office to get some work done, I hear her race madly across the floor upstairs. She doesn’t go anywhere. Just apparently jumps up off the bed and runs through the kitchen and living room. If I go upstairs to see what’s happening, I usually find her standing by the counter in the kitchen looking shocked, shocked I say, that

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State of the Union

Do you have your beer chilling and your nachos melting? Are you ready for tonight, the annual Superbowl of presidential speeches?  I do hope you’re planning to watch. After all, where else would you get to watch a man who deliberately makes himself orange preside over a house full of sound and fury and signifying nothing more really than the failure of today’s education system to produce anything that even resembles a statesman… or woman.

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Some thoughts on jihad

Hate is easy. Love is hard. Intolerance is easy. Tolerance is hard. Violence is easy. Non-violence in response is so hard as to be almost unbearable. So when Jesus told us to turn the other cheek, he was asking us to do something that most of us resist doing with every fiber of our being. When someone hits us, we want to hit back, and we want to hit back even harder. I guess that’s the part of being a Christian that truly tests just how deep your faith really goes.

In our memories, Dr. Martin Luther King and Gandhi

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