My it’s been a fun weekend. Carm spits up liquid at least three times every morning if I don’t feed him enough or wait long enough after feeding him to give him his medicine. And Nayla, who has never found anything on the ground that she did not think was worth a try as something to eat, apparently got something down her gullet that messed her up big time. For three days she didn’t eat. She put out farts that emptied the room of not just me but the other dogs too. Then the liquid started out her butt. And Continue reading →
Just disgusting
Heard Nancy Pelosi on a news shows trying to pretend that Conyer’s sexual harassment should be viewed through the prism of his being an American icon. Barf! I don’t have icons who settle sexual assault and harassment claims with money. And I don’t care a crap what their political preference is. Republican, Democrat, Communist, Vegan… I don’t give a crap. Nancy Pelosi should be ashamed of herself for defending this man. But apparently we hold movie and TV stars to a higher standard than our elected officials. That says more than we probably want to know about Americans. Continue reading →
Coronado here I come
I leave for California tomorrow and am not taking my lap top. Going to go and actually have a five day vacation in which I will feel obligated to write absolutely nothing. It is quite the freeing feeling. So… no more posts until I get back next week. Enjoy the spring! Continue reading →
Dr. James Scott – Flying to heaven on eagles’ wings
It’s a sad day for our community when it loses a good man. This seems especially true at this dark moment of the American soul. As hate, racism and kitty snatching become the touchstones of our country today, losing a man who lived with dignity, compassion and love for all his fellow creatures is even more distressing. It sometimes seems as though good men are in very short supply right now.
So the news that last week we lost Dr. James Scott, founder and heart and soul of Bird TLC, is sad on many, many levels.
For those of you Continue reading →