
I found out this week

I found out this week that my maternal grandparents were married on the same day as my birthday. I know so little about my ancestors and this just made my heart happy. We shared a special day.

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pictures, Scribblings

My Christening Day, 19…. something


From left to right the people are:

My brother doing his best to get away from us all.

My Nonna Sereni trying to hold him down.

Nonno Sereni next to her.

Grandmom Zeccardi holding me.

This is probably the first and last picture ever taken of me in which I am the right weight for my age and height.

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About my dogs’ grooming

I know there are people who think I’m cruel to get Carm and Snowy shaved as winter approaches because without a lot of fur they get cold. But here’s what happens when they have a lot of fur… their butts get… let’s call it questionable… because of the surrounding fur that has grown back. These are the same butts that get into bed with me at night. These are the same butts that want to curl up against me at night. These are the same butts that I often wake up to find IN MY FACE!

So they will continue

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Columns 2015

Cruz and Huckabee should be ashamed of their pandering

Let’s agree on a few things upfront. For one, Christianity is hardly under siege in America. You can’t be under siege and have your religion’s holy days celebrated as national holidays. That just doesn’t add up. Also, if this clerk refusing to issue licenses to same sex couples was Muslim and refusing to serve women whose hair wasn’t covered because it violated her religious beliefs, announced candidates for US president would not be standing by her side and proclaiming her a hero. Further, most of us do not get to pick and choose those duties of our job that we

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Miss America

No matter how hard I try, I can’t come to peace with the idea that a woman should be able to walk in a bikini in high heels while weighing less than she did when she was 8 years old in order to become Miss America. And if I hear from one more Pageant official about how this is a scholarship competition I will scream. Unless they are sitting at a desk taking a test, this is NOT a scholarship competition. And if you want to know how much money actually goes for scholarships, check out John Oliver’s investigation of

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Sometimes at night I’ll crawl into bed and my two dogs will instantly jump in and take their places on either side of me. From downstairs I’ll hear the muffled sounds of ruffled feathers and some soft cooing (snoring?) from my birds. And I’ll lay in that bed and think to myself how lucky I am and how perfectly content. I am surrounded by love. I have enough money to support my family. And the Big Bang Theory’s new season will be back in just a week or so. How can I not be happy?

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I so want to like her?

I would really like to be able to see a woman sworn in as president before I die. There aren’t many years left for me to realize that dream and so I want to like Hillary Clinton and be able to forcefully support her. So why can’t I like her? Why can’t I get past thinking she’s a machine with a dream and that dream will take precedence over all else? I can even get behind seeing Bill back at the White House. If there was ever a man meant to be the First Gentleman and stand around and look

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Is it wrong that I talk to my dogs

I realize I’ve gotten into the habit of sitting in bed and talking to them about their day and my day and what we’ll be doing tomorrow. They are very good listeners so long as I keep rubbing their bellies while I talk. OK, they may occasionally start snoring in the middle of the discussion about what to thaw for dinner the next day but mostly they are attentive and respectful. And seriously, what more can you want in a listener?

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