
Ah the joys of aging

Not only do I spend an inordinate amount of time faking that I know why I walked into a specific room, but it is now glaringly obvious that no fried or fatty foods will ever again be digested in my body with the help of a bottle of tums and a lot of moaning.

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Note to self

Next time you go East, get tickets for the new musical, The Book of Mormon, by those same wonderfully insane people who bring you South Park. I mean seriously, what’s not to like?

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Have we really become so callous?

The same people attempting to balance the budget on the backs of America’s poor and middle class were protesting not long ago that we couldn’t take away tax breaks from people making over $250,000 a year because they could hardly be considered rich in today’s economy. Yet somehow, public employees and teachers making – if you include benefits – about $70,000 a year are fair game to have their income reduced.

One argument made was that we couldn’t restrict the amount of obscene compensation the people on Wall Street, the ones who tanked our economy, receive because they would quit

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Because it gives Juneau time to cleanse its air

Some people complain that, despite swearing they don’t have enough time to do the people’s business in a 90 day session, our legislature finds it ok to shut down for a week so they can fly to DC and meet with their sponsors… the oil companies. I think that Juneau deserves this break to cleanse all the hot air flowing through it before the final push towards adjournment.

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Chestnut Hill College for Catholic Virgins again in the forefront of protecting our morals

Chestnut Hill College for Catholic Virgins, located among the rich and richer in suburban Philadelphia, recently fired a priest who dared to publicly admit to celebrating fifteen years of a monogamous relationship with his male partner.

And this is why I am such a proud graduate of such a small minded institution. Mostly I’m proud I got out before they totally destroyed any humanity left in my soul.

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Stop the presses

A recent news article led with this amazing sentence:

“In astonishing and personal statements that could turn centuries of anti-Semitism upside down, Pope Benedict XVI says in a new book that Jews are not to blame for crucifying and killing Jesus.”

In related news, there is high suspicion amongst Vatican insiders that Charles Darwin may have been on to something with his theory of evolution. However, the common wisdom is still that at least five more centuries of study will be needed to confirm it.

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