
It’s not a religion

Anyone claiming their religion gives them the right to an “honor” killing of their daughter or wife is someone who is delusional and hasn’t the faintest idea what honor or religion means.

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Just put me in a home

If I ever again make the slightest gesture towards thinking that I’d like to paint or renovate my home, please just quietly lead me away to a home where they will keep me heavily drugged until the moment passes. Because as beautiful as my home now looks, I must say that I could have lived without knowing how much dirt, dust, debris and other unmentionables can build up behind, over, under and sideways of items with which I am in daily contact. I mean, seriously, how did all that crap get BEHIND my stove?

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To any and all….

To anyone I may have communicated with after noon on Wednesday, please be aware that I was heavily medicated for a dental procedure and so should not be held to anything I may have said or done… unless, of course, you are Robert Downey, Jr. or Nathan Fillion and we’ve agreed to meet for an afternoon delight. Just tell me the time and place and I will SOOOOO be there.

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Service? What service?

So JC Penney up here in Anchorage has this company they contract with who supposedly will measure your windows and then come and install whatever new window blinds/slats, etc. that you choose to replace the tired old things that have been hanging there since you moved in. And here is what that company considers providing service.

For starts, it takes at least two phone calls to your friendly JC Penney salesperson to get the measuring/installing appointment person to even call you. Then, when the blinds have arrived and you make an appointment to have them installed… because, you are told,

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The tragedy of mental illness

The issue of caring for those with mental illness is once again in the headlines because of the recent tragedy in Arizona. Unfortunately, as most mental health advocates and families with affected members are already all too aware, this little dustup over services available will soon fade, as will any bump in funding it creates. It will stay faded until the next tragedy. Then the cycle will again kick in.

The problems inherent in dealing with people with mental illness are multiple and often can seem insurmountable. For starters, this is a chronic illness that is never “cured”. It can

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It is done!

Thanks to the perseverance and inner strength of my friend Elaine, I now have something to wear to the family wedding and rehearsal dinner. Got it at the one store we went to in less than 90 minutes including commuting time because she is just that good about knowing exactly what I will or won’t even try on. And now I can take a deep breath and relax. For what these cost me, I have the two outfits I will be alternating between for every family affair from now to my cremation… and please cremate me in BOTH of them.

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Another thing living in Alaska has taught me

In winter, you have to plan your activities very carefully. Always do any chores that involve being seen in public BEFORE you take a walk in your parka. Hood hair is not something to be shared with anyone but your most intimate of friends.

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I really, really hate…

those bills where you have to detach and return a portion of the bill with your remittance and the perforated line is about .0005 inches below where the bill was folded and you have to figure out how to tear on the perforation and not the fold or the address won’t show up in the window properly. GEEZ!

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Mat Su dogs

Went to the Animal Pet Food Warehouse near me and made a donation to those starving dogs out in the Mat Su. Wish I could have made a donation to have someone chain that breeder up and leave him eating his own feces for a few weeks. Wonder how much he would have felt like breeding after that.

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