
Stop giving her back!

As an Alaskan, I would respectfully request that Republican pundits, talking heads, politicians and strategists… and Barbara Bush… stop trying to give Sarah Palin back to us. We have enough problems up here what with bears and ice and snow and darkness and the total lack of lane lines all winter that makes driving such a dangerous thrill. So stop saying that she should stay in Alaska. If you are afraid she’s going to run for president and thereby kill your hopes of winning the White House back in 2012, I’d suggest you find out why YOUR voters are so

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Is it possible?

Is it possible that god screwed my left ear in too tightly when I was made? Or is it just that I am suffering from the worse cold in all human history?

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What iI don’t understand

What I don’t understand is why any gay man or woman would want to risk death serving a country that refuses to acknowledge their full humanity. They must love America very, very much.

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Motorcycle baby


His Aaka was riding a motorcycle that was twice as big as she was and weighed about 5 times more when she was just a teenager. Her boyfriend had to kick it into first gear for her to get started. We all knew to jump off the road when she was coming down the street.

I think her grandson has decided that he wants to get a head start on Aaka by riding his first one before he’s two.

Go Joey!

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The rich get richer, the rest of us can… eat cake?

George Bush cut tax rates for everyone early in his presidency, cuts due to expire on December 31. The current debate centers around whether they should be allowed to expire for everyone or only those making over $250,000/year.

Conservatives running back to Congress to eviscerate the health care bill as an exemplar of federal spending gone wild, ignore the fact that during the Bush years they cut taxes and dramatically increased spending on two wars without giving an apparent hoot in hell where the money would come from. Deficit spending on a war of choice apparently fits with their fiscal

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All done

Went online to a wonderful mail order store for salmon. Sent both my brother and sister a package of smoked salmon.

Christmas shopping done.


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My credit card story for 2010

Every once in a while when I think the world of politics is going to drive me mad… ok, madder… something happens in the commercials realm that proves to me that politicians and government do not have the monopoly on idiocy.

I tried to pay my credit card bill online recently. A message popped up that denied me access because there was a “problem”.  Since I’d just spent a larger amount than normal at a home improvement store, I thought maybe they were being cautious about my card’s continued safety.

I called the number given for problems, then entered every

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