
Must Be Alert for the Monster that sucks!

I sweep around my birds’ cages twice a day, not because I like sweeping but because of the unfortunate correlation between the number of birds that you have and the amount of bird seed that is scattered across your floor every day. Since I have enough pets without adding field mice enjoying the bird diet on the floor, I am fanatical about doing this chore.

My two dogs, lord love them, have not in all their years living here gotten used to this. So every time I turn the sweeper on, they go on alert. These two old girls stand

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The thing about Cher

The thing about Cher is that she was young when I was young. And now that I’m old… she’s still young, albeit in a weird and frozen version of her young self. And god help me, but I look at her and think that would take so much more time and energy than I would ever be willing to put into it.

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Just when you thought reality TV could get no worse….

Along comes a show called Brideoplasty in which brides to be compete to win plastic surgery before the wedding. OMG! Take me. Take me now! I do not want to live on a planet that would green light this show for TV. And I certainly don’t want to hang around long enough to see it actually attract viewers.

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Really, Joe?

If Miller couldn’t get elected and THEN take away our 17th amendment right to vote directly for our senator, he will now try to do it from his un-elected position by disenfranchising every voter he can. What a guy!

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I’m waiting

Isn’t it about time that someone resurrects mashed potatoes by finding out they have some magical healthy power and hidden nutritional benefits that outweigh the butter and sour cream?

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pictures, Scribblings

A long, long, long, long time ago


In a world far, far, far away from today, two girls became best friends as they clung together through 12 years of Catholic school and growing up as nerds. One of those girls became a teacher. Now, after teaching for almost 40 years, she finally has a class in which she has two girls who have the same names as those little girls from so long ago.

Meet Grace and Elise, 2010. Trust me when I tell you that they are way more cool than the originals ever were.

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Dental care in Alaska’s remote villages

When I moved to Barrow in 1972, the only dental care available over the entire 88,000 square miles of the North Slope was one Indian Health Service dentist who, quite frankly, was paying back a scholarship obligation and had less than great dedication to improving oral health there. So routine dental care consisted of filling and pulling. And often it was the patient doing the pulling because no dentist showed up in some villages for months or years on end.

I took advantage of the lack of dental services to avoid ever seeing a dentist. I thought I was in

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I wonder….

I wonder how many lawyers will be able to retire off the money made from the lawsuits over the results of Alaska’s senate race? I wonder how long it will be before Joe Miller crawls back into the hole he came from and leaves us alone?

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Changing the clocks

It’s been three days and still my birds don’t get it.  7 AM is now 6 AM – get used to it! I’m not getting up at 6 AM to feed you.

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Old friends

Barrow is a special place that creates special friendships. This weekend I got to visit with one of those friends and I realized that the only other time or place where I made friends that lasted a lifetime even if we weren’t always in touch was my time in NYC. Barrow and NYC… tied together by their ability to make folks cling together for survival.

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