
For just a few days

For just a few days after my car was detailed at GREAT cost, I did not let the dogs in it.  I would head to the garage with them trotting behind me and would turn and say, “Stay”. Their butts would simultaneously hit the ground and I swear to god their faces visibly sagged. How do you hold out against that look?

They are back in the car. The dog hair is beginning its annual migration into every nook and cranny of my Subaru and it all doesn’t seem to matter when I look over and see them both looking

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Ah, old age

My poor Blue continues to age in a very confused style. Yet one that is more than faintly familiar to me as I follow her on the path into senility.

I make her get up every night between 10:30 and 11 PM to go out for one last pee. She reluctantly rises from her bed in my bedroom and walks gingerly and stiff legged to the top of the stairs. Then she peers down through her cataract riddled eyes to see if there is any chance I’m going to not make her walk down the stairs and go out just

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Learning government the hard way

Most parents, at some time in their child’s early years, will look at the innocence in front of them and wish fervently that nothing ever happens to wipe that innocence away. Of course it’s a hopeless dream. Eventually commercials for Viagra and news about the workings of the state and federal government will intrude on their child’s consciousness, causing the innocence to flee.

This seems to be what’s happening to some students at the Polaris K-12 School.  For what must seem like an eternity when you are as young as most of them are, they have been working the ropes

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My world has been turned upside down

I went shopping today. Yes, shopping for clothes and shoes. It’s something I am forced to do almost every year whether I think I need to or not. That’s because I’m meeting my sister soon for a trip and I’m afraid to have her see me in my last year’s summer clothes.

I managed to score capri pants, long pants and a couple of tops as well as a pair of brown sandals. I felt very proud. I was even getting the pants professionally hemmed. For me, that’s the equivalent of winning the Triple Crown in one day.

So I

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Yea! Free Money

I don’t know how it happened, but I just got a very unexpected $400 check from my mortgage company for an overpayment of escrow. AND…. I got notice that my monthly mortgage payment is reduced for next year by $37/month. I don’t know why. I don’t know how. And I honestly don’t care. I just know I now have what I consider as TOTALLY free money to spend when I go to Vegas. Yea!

(And yes, I can feel my parents and grandparents staring at me in disbelief that I am not immediately banking this for the future. But they

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