
Susan Boyle

Perhaps I’m getting fixated on Susan Boyle because she seems to be the one uncynical, real triumph of last year that proves that sometimes dreams simply do come true. I watched her special and it was wonderful. But I still find myself going back to her original moment on Britain’s Got Talent and thinking that she never sounded quite so wonderful as she did then when it all came from the heart. No makeover, no plucked eyebrows, no orchestration. Just a voice that makes angels jealous singing with pure joy. Wow. May we all have at least one moment in

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Ah those stairs

I can remember running up and down the stairs to our apartment over the store when I was young. My mother’s voice still rings in my ear as she yells at me to slow down before I break my neck. I thought she was SOOOO old to not be able to race up and down those stairs at will, sometimes taking two steps at a time.

Now I go down the stairs in my house at night to let my dogs out before we go to bed and between me and the dogs, the trip takes a good five minutes

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Where are all those moral conservatives now?

Funny, isn’t it? I don’t see Rush Limbaugh putting on a benefit for Haiti or running numbers on the screen for tell people where to donate to help the people there. I don’t see Sarah Palin using her immense popularity with all those supposed Christians to rally them to help the devastation in that poor island. I see those horrible liberals in Hollywood trying to help. I see, in fact, a lot of godless liberals from the Daily Show to the Golden Globes trying to help. But I don’t see those big mouthed, two faced, selfish conservatives doing anything but

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Parental guidance not always wise

So Senators Donny Olson and Ralph Samuels want a law requiring parental notification in cases of abortions requested by girls 16 years of age or younger. Specifically, they state, “We believe a law needs to be enacted that will protect the interest of parents, and also to ensure that teenage girls receive wise parental counsel and support at a time when it is most desperately needed.”

The problem, as I see it, is in the words “wise parental counsel”. While we might wish that all children in this state are being raised by parents who can offer that kind of

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The Golden Globes

Well, I finally got the tiara back in the box until the Oscars or Screen Actors Guild Awards or whatever dress up show comes next as Hollywood celebrates itself on the off chance we forget to.  And I have this to say.

Cher looks like a full size wind up Cher doll with a face capable of no natural movement. And really, when you are in your sixties and have had enough plastic surgery to look like something Dr. Frankenstein made in his lab, you don’t have to add a black dominatrix dress to the mix. It just makes you

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Back to Bird TLC

My first day back at Bird TLC since we recaptured Red, our red-tailed hawk who decided to have an adventure last week. I will do my best to not laugh at him and mock him for falling for a falconer’s lure. I’m a nice person that way.

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Oh dear lord!

Why did no one ever tell me that a straight shot of tequila tastes like gulping turpentine. Good lord, people. It’s not nice to spring that on an old lady.

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They will politicize anything

There are actual commentators (yes, on Fox) accusing Obama of using the disaster in Haiti to polish his humanitarian credentials by sending aid to that country. I guess Bush was trying to make sure we absolutely knew he wasn’t a humanitarian with his response to Katrina.

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