
Prius for sale by good friend

For Sale

Totoya Prius 2001 Generation 1

(Jay Leno predicts this car will be a collectible classic –

See Popular Mechanics, May 2009)

• NEW main driving battery

• NEW catalytic converter

• NEW set of tires

• LOW miles (58,000)


One owner car; always garaged and maintained as specified by dealer

520-584-9123 / 520-971-9384

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One of those weeks

Did you ever have one of those weeks where it felt like you were walking through molasses to get from Monday to Friday? Then it’s suddenly Saturday and you wake up and realize the molasses river is still there staring you in the face.

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Family recipes

I think there should be some kind of rule that if you pass down a family recipe, you can’t die until the person you passed it to has a chance to try it. It’s only fair that you have to be around to answer the questions that naturally arise such as “What do you mean when it looks right it’s ready to bake?” or “How can I know how much nutmeg to put in until it tastes right if I can’t taste it until AFTER it’s cooked?”

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We are a country of laws

There seems to be concern and anger among pundits that the Underwear Bomber is being given the full protections of our laws and will be tried in a civilian court. I’m actually elated that he’s being treated this way.

For me, this represents one of the single most stinging blows we can deliver to our enemies by demonstrating they have not forced us to our knees and caused us to stoop to their level. We were created as a country of laws and we continue to be so despite their efforts to scare us into chaos.

After 9/11, there was

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Loose dogs… again!

There is a house along what used to be my usual walking route. It is no longer my usual walking route because this house has multiple dogs who are often roaming freely and are, quite frankly, scary.

So last Sunday as Elaine and I were walking, we looked ahead and saw the meanest dog was loose and already looking our way and barking. We turned around and decided to go a different route. As we retraced our steps, we came upon a gentleman walking his dog. We warned him about the loose dog. He said he knew it quite well.

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No matter how long I live here…

… I will never tire of the sight of moose in my yard placidly nibbling on my birch bushes.  My neighbors have a birch that actually managed to grow into a tree and I can watch as the big moose rears on his/her hind legs to reach up to those branches. They do it with such ease and grace for an animal that is seemingly so large and heavy.

Why would anyone ever want to live someplace where there wasn’t at least the possibility of looking into their front yard in the morning to find moose grazing there in the

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It’s getting serious now

OK, I don’t want to panic people but…. my brother is about to start his trek south to follow the sun and warmth. Only there doesn’t seem to be any sun and warmth no matter how far south he goes unless he leaves the country. Unlike his sisters, he did not inherit the travel gene and sees no reason why he should ever have to go anywhere again in his life that he can’t reach by car with his golf clubs and fishing rods safely stored in the trunk.

So if you see a rather good looking, older gentleman standing

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A store that deserves your business

Skinny Raven Sports offers FREE shoe studding for people with disabilities & seniors

Skinny Raven is offering free shoe studding for people 60 and over or who have disabilities that have trouble getting around on icy winter streets and sidewalks. Skinny Raven uses top of the line case hardened studs that both grip and last. With the slick conditions that exist, Skinny Raven wants to be sure those individuals are able to safely exercise or walk without the risk of falling and injury.

For any questions contact Skinny Raven at 274-7222.


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Missing Bird Alert… please help if you are in the Anchorage area

Ladies & Gentlemen,
On Thursday, 1/7/10, an incident occurred resulting in our Red Tailed Hawk, “Red”, being turned loose out of his mew.
He was last seen late Thursday night sitting in a tree at the corner of 64th & C. But was not there this morning. ‘Red’ is fully flighted and wearing jesses. He should not be hard to spot, as all of the wild Red Tails have left the state. If you have time to cruise the neighborhoods around BTLC that would be extremely helpful. With many eyes, we may get him back.
If you see him, PLEASE,

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