Columns 2009

Message to the Dems… You won – act like it.

Here’s a message I would like someone to take back to the Democratic Party in DC. You won. Yep, you really did. You won. I can see where there are simply not enough media platforms in today’s world to get that news through to you.

This means you should stop acting like losers. Stop letting the people who lost the election define the terms of today’s debates, whether it is health care reform or interrogation techniques. But most especially, health care reform.

It should be an embarrassment to any sentient American that this country, the country we like to think

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State Fair… again

I’ll be back out at the state fair this afternoon emceeing Bird TLC’s presentation of corvids (ravens, magpies, crows) and owls.  If you haven’t had your annual quota of fried candy and corn on the cob, come on out and munch while we show you these marvelous critters. All are non-releasable birds from our education program and all LOVE to show off for a crowd.

It’s 2 PM for the owls and 5 PM for the corvids.

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Beat that, big brother

I went miniature golfing this weekend, the first time since my early youth on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. And I made not one, not two, but three holes in one. Take that, Tiger Woods. Yeah, big brother. That’s right. I’m dissing Tiger Woods because if this is what I can do with no practice in almost 50 years, imagine what I could do with just a little practice time. Oh yeah. I’m good.

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State Fair

Bird TLC will be at the state fair today showing some of our gorgeous raptors. Phoenix, the Hollywood Osprey… well, that’s at least what he seems to think of himself when an audience is finally found to offer him the adoration he feels is his due… will be there along with lots of other Alaska raptors. We start our program at 2 PM. I’m emceeing. Come by.

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Don’t sleep in

Apparently I can’t even take Sunday to sleep in a little later. Not only do all the house birds start yelling for breakfast when I’m still wanting to sleep, but when I do get up and open the curtain on to the deck, I find two very annoyed Stellar Jay’s who have been waiting for me to give them their breakfast too. They sit on the back of my deck chair staring into the room and if ever a look said, “Well, it’s about time, lazy head”, their look says it as well as my mother’s ever did.

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Ted Kennedy

He ran from Chappaquidick. He spent the rest of his life in service to others. In the end, he lived his life honorably and acquitted himself for a stupid, deadly act of youth. Rest in peace.

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A symbiotic relationship

I take the birds out of their sleep room in the morning and Blue immediately stations himself below Abdul’s cage. I carefully chop up healthy veggies for Abdul and put them in a cup in her cage. She carefully picks through them and drops tasty morsels down to Blue below. Blue especially loves it when Abdul drops her some corn on the cob.  They seem quite close and content in this relationship… bird and dog mutually filling each other’s needs in some way… Blue to be fed, Abdul to nurture. I guess whatever works for you.

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Columns 2009

Scumbags lose, volunteers win

It’s hard to get enthused about the future of mankind when you are confronted for two weeks in a row with the lowliest of human behavior. First we had the punks who got some twisted thrill out of picking on a street person because he was Native. Now we have some equally bottom-feeding types who broke into the vehicles of fire fighters and not only trashed them, not only stole from them, but urinated on what they left behind.

Makes you wonder if it isn’t the apes that should be insulted by the idea of Darwinian descent.

Perhaps I’m extra

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If you see this woman


… don’t be insulted by the raised middle finger. It’s just her way of celebrating her birthday. Happy Birthday, little sis.  If Paul McCartney knew what was good for him, he would have snatched you up years ago.

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