
A classic example of too close for comfort

My friend Kate’s son is an ice skater with Disney’s High School Musical on Ice.  He was in Jakarta on Friday getting ready for show in Indonesia when the bombs went off. Luckily Disney is too cheap to put the skaters up in an expensive hotel. But her son was able to take pictures out his hotel window of one of the bombed hotels with smoke coming out. This is never going to be something a mother wants to see. It’s called too close for comfort.

Disney has wisely decided to bring the troupe home. Good idea, guys!

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Yet another doggie tale

We finish our morning meal. Blue gets her insulin shot. Blondie gets her daily prednisone.  Then they both get half a dog biscuit for being good and taking their meds. But a flake from Blue’s half of the treat falls off. This tiny sliver falls right in front of Blondie who already has her half of the bone in her mouth. She goes into instant alert over the sliver on the floor lest Blue try to come back and claim it.  Then she tries to pick it up in her mouth. But she can’t because her mouth is already occupied

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Columns 2009

The homeless will always be with us

“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy. Fish are jumpin’. And the cotton is high…” Gershwin’s paean to this season contrasts greatly with my current level of whining over the heat, the mosquitoes, the heat, the sun, the heat – well, you get the idea.

On the other hand, there are about 3000 residents of Anchorage for whom the summer does connote easier living in that it’s a guarantee that they won’t freeze to death while living on the streets and in the woods of our fair city. I guess when you have so little, you learn to be grateful for

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Statistics tell the tale

Of the approximately 3000 homeless in Anchorage, only 400 are considered chronic inebriates.  Makes you wonder who those other 2600 are and what sad stories their lives have to tell.  Being drunk and homeless at least means you’re unconscious about your condition most of the time. Being sober and homeless and always conscious of your condition… well, that would just be a nightmare.

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Brain freeze

Here’s a cautionary tale for you. Apparently it is not a good idea to sleep with a fan blowing cool air directly at your head all night no matter how hot you are. I got up this morning and almost fell over due to the dizziness. I guess tonight I’ll move the fan off to the side a bit… OR MAYBE GOD COULD PAY ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT THIS IS ANCHORAGE AND IT SHOULDN’T BE SO DAMN HOT THAT I NEED A FAN AT NIGHT.

Well, there you are. I’m still dizzy but feel much better.

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Got this note from a friend:

“My sister set me up to adopt Cozy. She had a friend who was moving and said “I’ve found the perfect cat for you!” I said I didn’t know if I could afford to have a cat and my sister replied, “Oh, just eat less.” Feel the love…”

Who would have ever thought our sisters were related because, my hand to god, that is exactly the kind of answer I’d have gotten from my sister… and my cousin Toni… and about three quarters of all the females in my family.

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Fan overkill

So I bring the fan to my bedroom the other night when the weather was still sweltering and decide that before I go to sleep, I’m going to blast all the hot air out of there first…we will now pause while everyone makes up their own joke about how I’m the biggest hot air in there…. ok, are we all back now? Anyhow, I open the window in the bathroom as wide as possible, set the fan atop the sink in front of the window and turn it on to hurricane setting.  Two seconds later I realize I have my

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

I wonder if there is a polar opposite to S.A.D.? Because honest to god, I get the exact symptoms attributed to lack of sunlight in the summer when we have the most sunlight. I am tired, irritable and grumpy and pray for rain, cold and clouds. There has to be some spiffy acronym for this condition so everyone will just stop thinking of me as a grouch.

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